
Lily Lily looked at him and smiled wide. "More then food we have a home!" She said her voice filled with excitement and eyes gleaming with joy. "Keanu.. We can have a life.. A real one.. A good one.." She breathed in disbelieve.

Keanu "A home that won't end the night in our torture." He said with excitement. "We really do don't we. Maybe over time do you think they'll let us get a pet or something?" He asked excitedly. He always wanted pet and thought that one would never be in his future. Nor did he think he'd have a real home.

Lily Lily gasped. "Maybe we could get a dog to help with chores!" She squealed excitedly. "Keanu this is so exciting!" She exclaimed happily. "A home a real home!" She closed her eyes and shook her hands in excitement for a moment. "This is the best place for us to! Its out in the country not many people and we will be surrounded by nature and animals," she added.

Keanu He smiled at her then looked down at the soup. It smelled like chicken probably because of the chunks of chicken in it. He picked up his fork and twirled some noddles around making sure to get some chicken on it to. Quickly he shoved it into his mouth and was met with a burst of delicious flavors. His eyes lit up with joy as looked back up at lily. He chewed his food then said "Lily this is delicious." He then picked dup a piece of cornbread and ate it. It took everything in him to keep from drooling.

Lily Lily looked nervous to try the food but took a tentative bite. Her eyes lit up and she took another quickly. "This is amazing!" She groaned happily through food. "I cant believe something this delicious exists!" She exclaimed taking more bites.

Keanu Keanu happily ate his food trying not to make a big mess in the process. After he finished the main part of his food he drank the soups liquid then wiped his mouth of with his hand. "Lily we have more meals like this ahead of us. And maybe if they feel up to it they could teach us how to make it to." He said happily then thought about a shower. "Hey do you think they'll have stuff for to take shower with?" The last kenau could remember having a shower was back at the lab. Which made him feel even more distgusted.

Lily Lily quickly finished her food as well. "If they teach us how to cook I think I may be the happiest person ever," she declared. She stopped thinking about showering. She shivered trying not think of sleek metallic and overly clean lab showers. "A shower or maybe even a bath! Can you imagine actually taking a bath?!" She asked eyes wide.