
"yea im fine, ill be right back heh" parker ran to her room and got a hoodie on, making sure to hid the bandage. Parker walked back out and went to solaris. She hugged him, feel warm and safe. She winced a little as she moved her arm, but it didn’t bother her much. Parker let go of solaris and went to the kitchen. "do you want anything to drink? I cant cook so I normally just call in from somewhere" parker said embarrassed. Parker got herself a cup and poured water in it, she leaned against the counter, waiting for his response.

(i'll be back in thirty mins and then respond maybe less)

"I can cook if you'd like." I said and hugged her back. I decided i would try to court her later hoping she accepts. 'I will get to know her for now." I thought and it was decided for me. I wasn't really hungry i'd taken down a deer earlier and had filled my stomach. I would like nothing more than to cook for her i felt it. 'I wonder if she's feeling the same thing?' I thought and walked into the living room very curious about her. I stood in the livingroom and waited for permission to sit. I smiled ar her and thought 'So pretty the perfect one for me.' Then i shook my head and wonderd what i was thinking.

"no im ok" parker drank some water "you can do whatever you want, sit, look at pictures I don’t mine, make yourself at home, damn even change the channel" parker laughed, watching how lost he look. Parker got some blueberries out of the fridge and went to sit on the couch, she flipped through some channels. "sit down you dork" parker said trying to hide her laughter. Parker throws a blueberry at solaris, then ate some. Parker felt so safe with solaris. She didn’t understand how she felt about him, she never felt anything like this before. Parker decided to watch a movie "hey what movie do you want to watch with me?" she asked smiling.

(i'm sorry it's really hard to make the parts longer like you requested of me i am having a hard time responding because i have to make them so long if you don't want to continue now i understand sorry i can't meet your expectations)

(yea lets stop it here, it was fun though)
