
Anivia comes diving down into sight from the darkness above, landing on Emelote's shoulder. The phoenix was relaxed and calm, and in result. Emelote relaxes a little, the area was safe. She had brought the phoenix to help her scout before the restoring of sight happened. She wanted to make sure that the deal was kept. Emelote listens as the blind Mask yells at White Mask, who hits him in the ribs and tells him to shut up. Amusement flickers through Emelote's eyes for just the briefest of seconds. She bobs her head as White Mask looks at her,"Yeah. You kept your side of the deal, so I'll keep mine."

"Good." With that, he took a step back from the blinded Mask, causing him to paw through the air trying to find his guide. "Where did you go?" He asked. "Stay still. She's going to heal you." Joshua replied, and the blinded Mask folllowed his order and stayed still. "Okay. Whenever you're ready." He said, eyes on Emelote. (I know it's short but... brain fart.)

Emelote simply tips her head slightly, watching White Mask back away from the blind one, who paws at the air. Pity flashes through her eyes for the briefest of seconds, before the emotion is gone. Emelote murmurs to Anivia, who takes off into the air, landing on a nearby roof. Serving as lookout for Emelote. After a quick breath, Emelote steps forward towards the blind Mask,"Let me see your hand." Emelote, after a second's hesitation, reaches out for the blind Mask's hand.
(It's all good, no worries)

The blind mask reached out before grabbing her hand and staying still, wondering what was going to happen now. Joshua, on the other hand, was going to look out for anyone and make sure that he wasn't found out for this. If he was then he was toast. "What's going to happen?" He asked Em, looking at her before looking down at her hand. He still wasn't too sure about all of this; Was it some kind of plot for her to blind and cripple both of them and then rob them blind... literally? He was at her mercy, so he stayed quiet and waited.

Emelote forces herself not to flinch at the physical contact, gripping the Mask's hand. Emelote murmurs,"Quiet. I need silence." Emelote focuses, her eyes turning a bright gold, signaling the use of her magic. This act of magic took longer then any of the other acts of magic she had used. As she was having to reverse the effect. It took two minutes at most and she was done. Emelote releases the Mask's hand, stepping back as her gold eyes fade back to normal. Staring into the no longer cloudy eyes of the formerly blind Mask. "How do you feel?"

The Mask took a second to blink and to rub his eyes, but once that was done he took a look around before returning his gaze to Emelote. "I... can see now." He sounded incredibly grateful in his tone, a smile plastered on it. "Thank you so much." He turned to Joshua, who was standing off to the side up to this point. After hearing what the no longer blind mask had to say, he took a step towards Emelote. "Thank you for restoring his sight. I am to assume that this little thing is never going to be known about?" He crossed his arms, hoping that she would stay quiet.

Emelote retreats more, back into the shadows, though she stayed visible. "Yeah." Was her response instead of the typical no problem or your welcome. Emelote's gaze flickers sideways to White Mask,"Like I'm ever going to admit to helping a Mask." Her voice was calm and there was no anger or intention to be hurtful with her words. That was just her way of saying that no, that no one would ever hear about her restoring the Mask's sight. Well, at least not from Emelote. She couldn't actual keep either of the Masks from spilling, intentionally or not. But... She wouldn't tell.