
Michael walked around the camp, giving a brief check on everyone to make sure that they were doing okay. No one seemed to be having troubles with moving into this new area so far, so there was nothing to report. He was especially happy that there weren't anyone chasing after them, whether it be Hunters or humans alike. I still can't believe that we had to leave the town of Diamond over some campers that found us... if they missed, would we still be able to stay there and just ride it out? His mind began to spin with worry, but seeing his wife out calmed him down. "Anyone need anything?" He asked, giving her a side hug and rubbing her belly.

Judy went to him and said "no one needed anything. They seem happy since everyone is safe." She look up at him as she was thankful that they were all safe from hunters. Judy knew that if hunters found them than they would have to leave again. Judy also knew that the town would have to do for now. Judy ask "how are you feeling Michael?" She wanted to make sure that everyone was ok. Judy knew that she would always be there to help the pack no matter what. Judy said "I just hope we don't have to travel anymore."

"I'm feeling pretty good." Michael said, wrapping his arms around her and touching foreheads with his wife. "And I should be the one asking you that question, since you're the one carrying our child." He gave her a kiss on the lips before leaning in close, running his fingers through her hair. "Why don't we go back to our house? I'm up for round two in the bed if you are..." He gave her another kiss before starting to walk slowly to his home.

Judy smiled as she was listening to him. She kissed him back and she look up at him. She whispered "Alright. Lets head back." She began to follow him back to their house. She was happy that they were safe as she was staying by his side. Judy never thought that she would be mate or a mother but she was happy about it. Judy was hoping that the hunters would not find them as she was not up for running again. Judy was thinking about something as she was smiling.

Michael grinned as he entered his house, about ready to take off his shirt and wrap up his mate and take her to the bed, but he stopped upon seeing that Bobby was in there, so he would have to wait. "What's up Bobby?" He asked, picking him up into a hug. "I just wanted to thank you and Judy for being great parents." He said with a grin. "That's it." He got down and left the house, leaving Michael alone with his wife. "Alright... where were we..." He took off his shirt and wandered to the bed, looking at her with a sly grin on his face.

Judy was surprised when she saw Bobby and was surprised at what he had said. Judy went to Michael after Bobby had left and said "I love you Michael." She was looking at him as she knew that he would protect everyone. Judy did not want to know what the future would bring for now as she wanted to be with Michael. Judy kissed Michael as she was smiling and feeling happy that she was with him. Judy knew she was lucky to be with him. Edited at June 6, 2022 07:51 AM by Werewolf