Thanks for showing interest! I'll try my best to answer all of your questions. I'm fairly new to setting up roleplays.
I have actually decided to just use the abnormals. It will be a group of 12-15 depending on how many characters I think are needed.
I'm thinking of the world being the type where the goverment are super strict and in control of everything, with military out on the streets patroling with guns. There also might be a lot of propaganda. The countryside is a bit more relaxed, though. I might end up adding in a safe country, that could actually further the plot! Thank you for the suggestion.
I probably will try and encourage people to set up friendships and relationships before the roleplay starts.
An 'abnormality' is something that makes these people look different than ordinary people, such as ears, tails, horns, wings, different colored skin, eyes, etc. Basically anything other than the typical human. Some are even more anthropomorphic. On that note, dying your hair is banned. It could lead to being shot upon mistaking you as an abnormal.
I might allow powers, but I'm honestly unsure as of now. I might only allow stuff such as flight for those with wings, strength/speed for those with animals that would be like that, etc. That's something I'll have to decide.
Right now, this is the only known group of abnormals that has been seen. (Key words are 'the only known ;) ) There isn't enough research so far about if abnormalities are genetic, but they most likely are. The goverment has started watching for babies born to parents who have had abnormals before, and have seen it happen. They honestly have no idea where abnormals have come from as of right now.
I'll allow people to decide if they do want their characters to try and find a 'cure' or where abnormalities have come from. (Maybe a few have bad intentions? Maybe a few do want peace?)
As for the strengths, as I mentioned before, I may allow strength or flight for a few characters who's mutations suit this. Weaknesses are that they are likely to get the same illnesses as the animals they have the traits of. They also may have more anger issues if they're based off of an Ox, be more shy if they are like a rabbit, or have a prey drive if they are a predatorial creature.
The minimum word count for this particular rp is 300 with posts preferably 3-4 times a week. I will make exceptions for broken devices or writers block, as well as sending out a couple of warnings before killing off your characters.
It's totally alright about the questions! You gave me a bunch of new ideas that I may have not considered beforehand. This was really helpful. Do you mind if I use some of this as answers for a few sections of my signups?