Broken bites Jake like mmm angy
Rory and orca could also have romance lol))) ... Rory narrowed her eyes "No, I don't"
Ok, but one of them can start out having a crush on the other and it just grows or something?)) Mage shifts into her bear form and continues walking around. After a while Moon turns back into her human form and stops at a creek and drinks some of the water.
Sounds good! Who should start crushing lol? I'm happy for Grey to do it))) ... Grey and Rory glared at rach other before Grey sighed "We shouldn't fight"
That would be great! :). She walked over to a big river and looked at the fish swimming in it. She swiped a decent sized salmon onto the bank and killed it with her claws. She then turned into a human and carried it into the woods. She made a fire, cleaned the fish and started cooking it.
Rory shrugged, "Yeah" she replied grudgingly, "I smell fish" "Where" "Over there"
The salmon was cooking. She stopped moving and listened. She heard voices and it seemed like they were coming closer.
I swear it was this way" insisted Rory, pushing through the forest. Grey followed, he thought he could smell it too, was that fire? Just beyond the trees
The salmon was almost done. She stirred the coals with a stick so the fire could grow brighter and hotter. She sat on a fallen log next to the fire.
Grey grabbed Rory, trying to tell her not to go any further but the girl pushed him off. She went wolf, her coat a mix of many colours, eyes a pale staring green with black 'eyeliner-like' fur surrounding them. She padded slowly and silently forwards