
Arrow Rogue | M | Mentions: Open
Covered in a fresh layer of dirt, the male raptor spun on his feet and clicked quietly to himself. Satisfied that his meal was buried and the ground didn't give away that it was, he moved off from it. He knew there was a good chance that someone or something would find it, but it never hurt to try. A soft hissing sound crackled in his jaws as he moved away from the buried food. A wide yaw stretched his jaws and he veered in the direction he knew he could find shelter for a nap. There were caves and crevices in the rocks he could sleep in, he just had to find an empty one.

Alsaela She kept following the trail, soon she was miles from the camp, her long tail once again making her aerodynamic when it came to speed running. She slowed, and remained quiet, spotting some mice around a berry bush. She crouched behind a log in the shadows, nearly blending in perfectly, besides her vibrant stripes.

Winter Winter could barely keep up even though she was loosly following the micro. She had to admit that the micro was very fast. As the micro slowed Winter was glad and quickly hide by a tree. Winter caught her breath before focusing on the micro to see why she stopped. She couldnt find the micro anywhere but she did see some mice. Excitment filled Winter as she crouched, just like she had watched her parents do one time. Winter sneaked closer to the mice, though she didnt have the best camofloge. The sun filtered through the trees, hitting Winters back and making her skin shine like freshly layed snow. Edited at November 23, 2022 11:19 AM by ~Terebinth Wolves~

Alsaela She noticed the mice suddenly perking up, and she knew they spotted something. She had no time and had to act quickly. She lunged forward, taking down two with her claws, and snapping a third mouse with her teeth. She knocked a fourth over with her tail and kept for it but missed and the fourth got away. Still... Three is a good catch for now. she turned around, the other mice had escaped, but she still had the three. She picked them up, hearing rustling in the bushes where the mice had gone, when she saw a white glint from the corner of her eye.

Jani-Male-Lone Micro ~ Jani gasped and woke up. He panted, noticing the weight on his back was gone. He rolled onto his side, and reluctantly stood up. He scanned the area, noticing everyone was gone. "Hello?" He chirped, hoping he could hear his pack. He let out an ear splitting troodon shriek, trying to call his pack. "Where is everyone..?" He scratched his feathery mane and let out another shriek. "Mom? Brother? Sister? Where are you?!" He shrieked again. He stood with his head down, starting to cry. "Did you... Forget me..?" He looked at the sky, and tears streamed down his face. He let out a loud cry of sadness, and then layed down sadly.

Winter As Winter was a few feet away from the mice, she could tell the mice could sense her. She was about to pounce when the micro pounced first. The micro got 3. Wow, Winter thought, I dont think i can get that many.... Just then Winter jumped into a bush, hoping to surprise the mice. As the mice scurried towards her she stuck her snout out of the bush and quickly grabbed a mouse. Winter then put that mouse down before moving into another bush to surprise the mice again. For just a second though you could see her white skin. Winter then did the same as before, catching another mouse. Satisfied Winter went back to the other bush and picked up the other mouse she had caught before.

Alsaela Thinking this white glint was an enemy creature, she kept her kills close, letting out a threatening snarl, slowly backing away. She wasn't willing to take the chance that this creature take away the prey she caught.

Jani-Male-Lone Micro ~ Jani sat down, hissing and crying, wondering why they abandoned him. "Come back!" He shouted as loud as he could. Why did they leave me..? I thought they loved me... They were my family... I know I could never understand them but... We were still family... He let out a screech, trying one last time to call them back. Where did they go... He couldn't smell any scents, there were no footprints. Are they... Dead? He shook his head at the thought and let out another screech. He stood up and walked away from the area, his face wet from crying. Edited at November 23, 2022 11:38 AM by Fruit Lovers

Winter Winter froze in fear as she heard a snarl, her skin slowly turning invisible. Winter gulped before grabbing her food before running out of the bush. A tip of her tail wasnt fully cloaked yet as she ran. Soon though she was fully invisible. Winter kept running and running until she was close to the raptor camp. As her heart slowed, she slowly turned visible again. Winter then decided to hide in a bush on the side of the raptor camp. After she settled down she began to eat. This is the best mouse ever, Winter thought happily as blood stained her snout.

Alsaela She heard something run off, so she stopped snarling. She picked up the mice and ran back to camp, and hid them somewhere only she would know. She ran back out again, following new scents miles from camp, hoping to catch even more for the pack.