Caspian Cadogan | M | 28 | Mafia | Mentions: Verrück, Nicholas (dir.) Valencia, Finntello (indir.)
His eyes didn’t move from where they were fixed on Verrück’s face as the other man looked past his form, gazing at the space behind him for a long moment. Which gave Caspian the opportunity to evaluate the reply he had received, clearly more words were on their way to his ears. However, at the sardonic tone that accompanied his declaration of appreciation, Caspian’s mouth only drew into a pointed grin.
In most conversations in the past week, it had been people droning on about rebuilding. Calculating their next move to create some kind of society in this wasteland. Which, in Caspian’s very important opinion, was a load of crock. They had survived an Earth ending event, sprouted new powers. They should simply do as they please. One of the only reason he sticks around is the provision of supplies so that he doesn’t have to go hunting on his own.
Verrück was right, large explosions were predicable but the destruction they left behind was awe inspiring. Smaller ones gave the thrill of the unexpected, one tiny change in projection and the outcome was completely altered. Caspian wasn’t sure which manner of chaos he preferred.
As the nickname played from Ver’s lips, Caspian dug his hands into the pockets of his black woolen trench coat. The edges were ripped to ribbons and every seam was fraying, daring to snap with one wrong move. His hands pulled the coat closer around himself, cloaking him in a small amount of warmth, hiding a large majority of his body, but that didn’t hide the scrawny sinew of his neck and jaw. A quick, short laugh left Caspian before he spoke, creasing the corners of his eyes lightly.
“Finding something to toast does sound like fun.” His voice was rough, words rasping over his throat before they made their way out. He was thirsty, for the past four days he had been craving a deep drink of fresh water, but that was a luxury he did not have. “I certainly won’t be throwing rubble into a useless fence.” Scoffing, he tipped his head back as he let out another bark of laughter. Laughter directed at the inane ideas the lawmen held, even some of the dark inclined individuals here thought that they could build some kind of town here. What was the point?
Caspian’s head swivelled sharply, almost to the point of giving himself whiplash as Verrück commented on someone behind him. From the description alone he knew who it was, Valencia. Upon landing his gaze on her domineering figure as it strode across the clearing, Caspian’s amused expression dropped to one of utter loathing.
“Oh that miserable sod.” Caspian spat out his words. “She’s always been a nasty little thing.” His eyes watched her as she marched her way up to another rather annoying person and begin yapping at him. He had many run ins with Valencia, she was stationed in his family’s domain. Meaning that she had shot at him many times, of course he had retaliated. Never once had they managed to maim each other, so when she showed up one day after a leave of absence with a cruel new scar, Caspian had always been curious as to how it had happened.
“I’m sure I know some people here who would like to have a go at her-” Caspian was turning his head back around to look at Ver once again, eyes gleaming with dark humour. Only to be jolted out of his train of thought when his eyes did not meet Ver, but Nicholas. A grating man. All joy was swept from his features as he observed the older man carefully.
Simply the way he carried himself made Caspian want to roll his eyes into the back of his head. He was pretentious in his opinion. He kept his attention elsewhere, gazing into the sky or past Ver into the interior of the car he was perched on. Finding anything but Nicholas to find interesting as he moaned on. Once Nicholas had taken the time to step between himself and Verrück, Caspian finally let his gaze rest upon the greying mane atop his head.
“Building the fence?” He spoke suddenly, eyes glistening in their darkness. “I can barely lift a limb let alone lug half a building over to the fence, we’re emaciated.” It wasn’t a complete lie. He was exhausted and his bones ached as though someone had crushed them and healed them over and over again. Caspian shook his head, sending more rogue strands of dark hair flicking from his head.
“I’ll do something, but it most certainly will not be that.” Caspian scrunched his nose in distaste, ripping his attention away from Nicholas to look back as Ver. Raising one thick eyebrow with a quick jerk of his head towards the large wings on Nicholas’s back. Get a load of this guy.