a n y w a y, to be more specific (and imma say this as an Actual Art Businesswoman and not just As Your Maniacal Friend) i'd say around 50-65 apples for a sketch of a full-body. add maybe an extra 5 or 10 depending on complexity. then maybe 80+ apples for the colored and shaded ones. for the half-bodies, just cut those prices in half, and then for portraits, cut the half-bodies prices in half again. so that'd make it around 25-30 apples for half-bodies + 10 apples for shaded and colored ones; portraits would be like 13-15 apples + 5 maybe for shaded/colored. not so sure about chibis; maybe full-body chibis are half the price of regular full-bodies, half-body chibis are half the price of regular half-bodies, and so on??
but i'm saying this only because most WP people are poor as hell and you're just starting off. once you get a reputation and manage to wheedle in the rich art-hoarding fuckers, you can charge twice that amount.
if you think these starting prices are already pricey as hell, you can cut 'em in half, i guess, but honestly i think these are worth farrrrr more.
also, these prices are mainly centered around if you make an art shop. if you're planning on auctioning them, you can have an AB that's all the way up to 200 apples even for portraits and some rich guy will 100% AB it and then you can get mega rich.
for SBs on each, start off maybe at a price that's 1/3 of what you'd think they'd cost in an art shop, and then have an MI of at the very least 2 apples.
there, hope that helps.