![See the source image](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.5d71a59872a8b1d7223a6091e26514ae?rik=x0%2F9i1ZWedcm4w&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) Ello <3 Glad to see ya'll are still on the ball >:D Makes me happy and warm inside ^-^ I hope you guys are having a lot of fun, and just wanted to pop in and say hi ^^ You guys are doing great <3
Good to see you Coffee. Covidic Coffee said: ![See the source image](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.5d71a59872a8b1d7223a6091e26514ae?rik=x0%2F9i1ZWedcm4w&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) Ello <3 Glad to see ya'll are still on the ball >:D Makes me happy and warm inside ^-^ I hope you guys are having a lot of fun, and just wanted to pop in and say hi ^^ You guys are doing great <3
Also could the good doctor send Dread towards Jericho and Ero? Can't wait to see that reaction...
Ona! I missed you. ;-; Covidic Coffee said: ![See the source image](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.5d71a59872a8b1d7223a6091e26514ae?rik=x0%2F9i1ZWedcm4w&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) Ello <3 Glad to see ya'll are still on the ball >:D Makes me happy and warm inside ^-^ I hope you guys are having a lot of fun, and just wanted to pop in and say hi ^^ You guys are doing great <3
Awww thanks! Thanks for making the RP in the first place! We're all having so much fun! Covidic Coffee said: ![See the source image](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.5d71a59872a8b1d7223a6091e26514ae?rik=x0%2F9i1ZWedcm4w&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) Ello <3 Glad to see ya'll are still on the ball >:D Makes me happy and warm inside ^-^ I hope you guys are having a lot of fun, and just wanted to pop in and say hi ^^ You guys are doing great <3
Also Eggo, excited for Dread post whenever you get it up!
Wow it got quiet for a little bit! Still waiting for Dread to come in and see that Ero's pregnant. I can't even begin to imagine how he'll react to Ero having a baby bump.
Hey. Sorry for my lack of posts. I think that I'm going to be leaving this rp. I kind of just suddenly lost motivation for it, and I don't want to post again only to get into an interaction and leave any of you waiting on a reply. I hope that you guys continue to have fun, though! Achlys could've run off on her own after being teleported by Night, and was never seen again.