The past few weeks have been confusing? like a lot of good has happened (Spaghetti likes to call it a loVe tRiANgLe i guess you could say) but also a lot of crappy stuff? Also I haven't been sleeping well so I'm being EmoTiONaL
Ah, I got you. I've also not been sleeping at all, and I was already an emotional mEsS XD I hope stuff gets better for you though
Yeah- We'll see- I hope so too XD
s c r e e I hope every works itself out!
bro I just stayed up until 2.30am and then slept for basically under 3 hours, then finished my assignment that I'd been doing all night
and then I slept for 7 hours xD being sick + last minute assignments = a whole lotta fun yay :'D
you know, I heard somewhere that if you try to stay awake, not using technology or reading or lights, just staring and blinking, it helps you to fall asleep faster? I dunno
we probably all have sleep issues aha I feel for ya guys
Sounds very fun! And yes- I think we do XD
I made a new small group RP since my last larger one died pretty fast (which was mostly my fault honestly :')) Feel free to join, or not. Either is fine :D
Anyone understand how I managed to burn myself while making a quesadilla... in the microwave?
Someone help me, I have no idea how I managed this XD
silver that looks super cool! ack the dying of the last one was partially my fault, I only posted once or twice rip, I was a little overloaded with RPs (still am). So I'm not sure I can take on another >.< But I love the concept of the roleplay! and ma'am h o w how how how