
Hello and welcome! WP has been a big part of my life for many years, and I have decided that I would like to give back to the community in the best way I can, with wolves! I consider myself a sucessful breeder, and at this point, I breed so many wolves that I can't possibly handle them all. So even good wolves sometimes get retired. To give back to the community, give new packs a headstart, and give packs chances at getting dream wolves, I will be starting a "Wish for any wolf" contest/oppertunity! . . All you have to do, is fill out the fourm which will tell me what wolf you want, and then post it here. When new litters come in, I will take a look at the fourms, and if a wolf matches your desired criteria I will pm you! I have premium, so I will set up private sale and you won't have to worry about not getting your wolf :) 99% of wolves will be pups. I may have an adult that meets your critera that I can offer you though. . . You are allowed to post as many "Wish for a wolf" fourms as you want! Please remember certain wishes such as "I want a viti" I may not be able to grant as they are highly valued wolves. However, your still welcome to make wishes asking for quality wolves like 40+ R ACs or defects! . . I will be looking through fourms in a first come first serve process. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to pm me! . WISH FOR A WOLF FOURM: *N/A means you are fine with anything/don't have a preferance* _________________________________________ Wolf gender: (Female, Male, N/A) Wolf rareity: (If you want AC please state that as well) Boost/Defect: Talents: Specific coat: Specific eye colour: Specific nose colour: Anything else you want: PACK NUMBER: Edited at July 2, 2021 01:21 PM by Dream On

Wolf gender: Female Wolf rarity: Preferably above 10 Boost/Defect: Melanistic (but I don't mind if that is too hard) Talents: Preferably above 5 Specific coat:N/A Specific eye colour:N/A Specific nose colour:N/A Anything else you want:N/A PACK NUMBER:277108 Edited at July 2, 2021 01:32 PM by ThunderStormPack

Wolf gender: N/A Wolf rareity: 30+ AC Boost/Defect: Any pelt defect if possible, but I'm fine without one Talents: Any amount Specific coat: Any dog pelt (like dalmation, shepherd, husky, etc.) but I don't mind if it doesn't have a dog pelt Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: N/A PACK NUMBER: 269436

Wolf gender: N/A Wolf rareity: 40+ R AC Boost/Defect: Divine Health or Mela Talents: Above 10 Specific coat: Any Coat Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: N/A PACK NUMBER: 253716 Edited at July 29, 2021 06:39 PM by StarCrest_Wolves

Wolf gender: (Female, Male, N/A) Female Wolf rarity: (If you want AC please state that as well) 40+, AC doesn't matter to me Boost/Defect: Either Chimera, Vitiligo, or Black Phase. Though, she can just have those defects in her blood too, that's all right-- Talents: Any Specific coat: Any, though either Dynamic or Crystalline are preferred! Though, I don't wanna be too picky, so any! Specific eye colour: Amythest is preferred, but any is fine Specific nose colour: Any aside from pink Anything else you want: Nothing, thank you! PACK NUMBER: 260932

Wolf gender: (Female, Male, N/A) Female
Wolf rareity: (If you want AC please state that as well) 40+ AC
Boost/Defect: Either a pelt defect or boost
Talents: N/A
Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A
Specific nose colour: N/A
Anything else you want: HW or hero would be great, but it doesn't have to be

Wolf gender: Female Wolf rarity: 40+ AC, but Uncommon eyes/noses are fine by me. Boost/Defect: Either DH or a pelt defect. Talents: Preferably over 40, but that's not necessary. Specific coat: N/A Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: Heavyweight if possible. PACK NUMBER: 250343

Wolf Gender; Female Rarity; 60+ Boost/Defect; Any Talents; N/A Specific Coat; Any crystalline coat is preferable, but not mandatory. Specific Eye Color; N/A Specific Nose Color; N/A Anything Else you Want; Wings, but of course, not needed! :D Pack Number; 277375

Gender: Female Rarity: 40+ Boost/defect: N/A (a boost if possible) Talents: N/A specific coat: N/A specific eye color: N/A specific eye color: N/A Pack number: 263663 Edited at July 26, 2021 06:12 PM by Evenfall Lament

Wolf gender: Female Wolf rareity: 25+ Boost/Defect: N/A Talents: N/A Specific coat: Red Tweed Specific eye colour: N/A Specific nose colour: N/A Anything else you want: Any markings will do PACK NUMBER: 269167