Not nessisarily. It seems at least weak anyway because if I shout at it it turns the TV off.
Okay good. Just in case though, do you have any protection jewlery or protective rocks in your room? Don't want you to get hurt by the TV baballlygook. :( buttermilk said: Not nessisarily. It seems at least weak anyway because if I shout at it it turns the TV off.
no i don't... not that i know of- what classes as protection __?
ah shit tv is back to turning on again
So how my dumby bumb brain thinks of it: there's two major types of protection - there's the kinds of protection that comes naturally (crystals, minerals, iron, types of wood, ect). and theres the kinds of protections that you yourself enchant (protective wards, items that you imbue with protective intent, things that you enchant). I reccomend a mix of both, and there's totally a more technical term for all of this stuff that I can't think of. buttermilk said: no i don't... not that i know of- what classes as protection __?
so what kind of crystals would be naturally protctive?
Selenite is the first that comes to mind, absolutely. Obsidian, Tourmaline, Ameythyst, Flourite, Quartz. They're all great for different forms of spiritual/physical protection. buttermilk said: so what kind of crystals would be naturally protctive?
Religion: Christian...? Gods/Goddesses: Jesus and Lucifer (Uncle and nephew :D) Fun fact(s): I'm a new freshman! :)
Welcome, welcome! Can I ask what drew you here? (No hate, you are completely free to read and participate as you want, I'm just curious) Midnight Moira said: Religion: Christian...? Gods/Goddesses: Jesus and Lucifer (Uncle and nephew :D) Fun fact(s): I'm a new freshman! :)
Dark Omens said: Welcome, welcome! Can I ask what drew you here? (No hate, you are completely free to read and participate as you want, I'm just curious) Midnight Moira said: Religion: Christian...? Gods/Goddesses: Jesus and Lucifer (Uncle and nephew :D) Fun fact(s): I'm a new freshman! :)
I love the unknown and I am a major fan of mythology and witchcraft!