I hate physics. ;-; Also I'm doing the musical at my school, and I was in the ensemble, and my instructors were like "Yeah, someone dropped out, so we need you to be him now." So now I have lines and I have to sing a song with 3 boys, and I'm supposed to be a boy, but my singing voice is like the highest soprano there is, so we'll see how it goes. I AM STRESSED! Edited at January 25, 2022 11:42 PM by Gentle Breeze
<3 Have a cookie, cookies are good *hands cookie*
I hate gym, but I am getting stronger, like you can see muscles, and I deadlifted 95 pounds which was a lot for me because I have noodle arms and legs, and also I benched 55 pounds and I almost died.
That's awesome Breezy child! I wish I could do that :')
Breezy you are very strong
THANK YOUUUU!!! I FEEL VERY STRONG but also sore ;-; Yesterday I carried my best friend's boyfriend around like a princess and everyone thought it was funny. XD
Update on the musical: It is definitely interesting and fun to be working with teenage boys that I otherwise wouldn't talk to. In one corner two of them were yelling "MAMA!" at each other while the other three were making out with the air and making disgusting slurping noises. Another time I hit a really high note while chilling next to one of them and he looked at me with huge eyes, which was also very funny. And then today three of them slapped me at the exact same time (my character was being an idiot), and then I physically ran into two of them on accident, one because I wasn't looking where I was going, the other one because we were trying to dance together for a scene and I stepped forward instead of backward. XD It's definitely also stressful though because we perform on April 7th-10th, and we're missing a couple weeks because of spring break and then also there's a week where the tech people have to set up and work out the lights and stuff, as well as a few rehearsals where the pit orchestra has to figure out their cues to play. But it's also fun. :D Sorry that this was so long. . Oh and also I have to take the ACT in a week, and I haven't studied at all for it. ;-; Luckily most colleges don't require ACT scores. Edited at February 28, 2022 10:46 PM by Gentle Breeze