

I love camp half blood, Percy jackson is forever my hubby :) so now I love your pack name.

Think we talked once? Maybe?
From that, and other times Ive seen you, you seem like a pretty chill and nice person ^^
Also I just really like your avatar

I don't believe we've talked before or that I'm super familiar with you as you seem to be a newer addition to WP! Welcome! <3
I've seen your art around a little bit, and you choose such aesthetically pleasing colors and have such a unique style!

Hecc, you're literally one of the most talented people I know. You have a humongous heart and are very passionate towards helping all those you can. You're far too selfless at times but by far one of the kindest and a pleasure to talk with.

What can I say?
Your a great friend, You have very nice Ocs, Your always one of the first to compliment my art when I say its bad, which it is.
Theres just not enough words to describe how good you are to people-

If we talked then I would forget, sorry but plant brain cell work differently. But darn I love your ava even though I like more darker themes( Hah don't mind my emo butt). Chicken is by far the most American food ever..xD a little joke. But anyways I love your name and have a nice day/night.


I love how you have a consistent theme within your pack, with the names of your wolves, and even your username. It shows that you can stick with one consistent theme.

I love your wolf avi, and how your flag doesn't match color-wise but still manages to look elegant~ You seem like an amazing person~