Diamond sat down next to Kiki and pretended that she was paying attention. She then said through telepathy "This is boring."
Kiki Kiki giggles quietly and replied, " yea i know" .
Diamond looks and says "Are we able to just leave?"
Kiki Kiki would shake her head no and looks back at the teacher.
Diamond just sat there staring at the teacher.
Kiki A few hours past as it was finally lunch time. She would go up and get her food and then sits back down. Kiki would drink her tea and just stared at her food and then got up and threw it away. She would then go back to the seat and sat down.
Diamond was sitting with Kiki and saw a boy come up to her he looked like a football player. He was trying to flirt with Diamond and he said "Hey Beautiful". Diamond would look at him and she would commuincate with kiki through telepathy. She said "Kiki whats going on?"
Kiki Kiki saw Brandon (the boy) go up to Diamond and felt sick. She would get up and grabs Diamond's arm and puts her behind her. "Go away" she would say harshly.
Diamond would almost trip but stayed standing. She would look at Brandon and back at Kiki and then says "Umm well thanks I guess". She looked back at Kiki.
Kiki Kiki would look over at Diamond and then smiled. "Come on lets go" she would say walking out of the cafiteria.