" WOAH!" She growled at the newcomer. Her beautiful grey fur bristled and her leg shook but she prayed it would hold. " Who are you? This is my cave and my territory" Ice looked at this wolf for a moment before sitting down with a sigh. " I-" Her leg gives out and she groans " This damn leg... Um... i'm a little hungry i guess... But... what's your name?" Ice was rambling and she knew it, she was nervous but at the same time she was estatic, someone had answered her call
" WOAH!" She growled at the newcomer. Her beautiful grey fur bristled and her leg shook but she prayed it would hold. " Who are you? This is my cave and my territory" Ice looked at this wolf for a moment before sitting down with a sigh. " I-" Her leg gives out and she groans " This damn leg... Um... i'm a little hungry i guess... But... what's your name?" Ice was rambling and she knew it, she was nervous but at the same time she was estatic, someone had answered her call
"what's your name?" she asked again. her leg was killing her but she tried to hide her pain
(He is getting older in real life, but in this rp I'll keep him at age 10)
"My name is Fghter, and yours?" He looks at her leg, then asks, "Can I do anything for you?" he asks excpecting her to talk about her leg.
Then Fighter hears Stone whispering something on his back, so Fighter puts his ear up to listen because Stone was being VERY quiet.
ice sighed, her fur still raised. " My name is ice, Nothing will heal this wound, it is weakened byond repair... where are you from stranger?" ice was curious and wary, but she also wanted so badly to know this wolf, she just needed him to show her he could be trusted
Then after being done whispering with Stone, he looks down to Ice saying, "I am from...I actually don't know, all I know is I am a Lightbringer, thats all, nothing special...". (long silence), "and...what about you...Ice?" he and his rat Stone look at Ice waiting for her to say something.
" I'm a nutral... my pack is from the mountins but..." she sighs. She feels her face warm as she looks at him. he was very cute and ice tried not to blush. " So... what's your story?" she whispers. ( continue on monday :D )