Tragedy As you continue along a gametrail, you do soon indeed find water, but it's not teaming with life as you'd expect it to be. Instead, there's tiny sinkholes everywhere, the desert sand spilling unto them endlessly. -You May- Risk it and Get a Drink Move On Fly Down a Sinkhole
Rocky - canine Rocky looks around for a spot to set up a trap, once the trap has been set and making sure Cleopatra doesn't get caught in it . He walks back over to the fishing rod " might as well not let these go to waste, plus fishing was fun " Rocky said as he cast his bait into the muddy waters
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Tragedy is relieved to find the source of water, however he pauses as he nears, taking a moment to collect himself. He notices that there's no life, and his ears flatten defensively as he looks at them curiously. He soon sniffs and shakes his head, not trusting it, and fearing it is poisoned. He also notices the sink holes, though worried he won't fit through them, he ventures onward. - Move on
Rocky You cast out the small bait quickly, hoping for something good before your traps spring. -You've caught a Northern Pike- You don't hear any of your traps in the distance and there's still 4 worms remaining. -You May- Cast Again Explore More Check Traps
Tragedy You walk past the water, though your body wills you towards it as thirst effect you in this heated place. As you go forward though, you begin smelling something good and realize your standing over a patch of Lemongrass! Torka would love to have this, its also grown over what you realize is another gametrail! -You May- Gather Lemongrass and go Forward Gather Lemongrass and go down New Path Go Forward(No Lemongrass) Go Down New Path(No Lemongrass)
Tragedy looks up at the sun and lets out a breath at the heat. Better find water soon. He uses his wings to shield his pets from the heat the best he can until he comes over to the lemon grass. Might as well collect some herbs while I'm at it. - Gather lemon grass and go down a new path
Rocky - canine Rocky looked at the fish he pulled up and put it in his bag , not hearing his traps going off he decides to use the rest of the bait to continue fishing
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Tragedy Your thirst makes you shake as you continue down this new path, the refreshing smell of the Lemongrass helping a little bit, but leaving you still parched. Luckily, as you edge forward, you find a small brook with a trickle of water. It must be some kind of natural spring, do you trust it? -You May- Drink Here Follow to Sorce Move On
Rocky, you decide an hour of fishing couldn't hurt, and decide to use the rest of the bait. -Your Swamp Bait Catches You the Following- 1- Oyster 2- Mosquitoefish 3- Shrimp 4- Tamable Salamander! As soon as you pull the little amphibian to shore, you jump up and unset the hook from its mouth, holding it in your hand and trying to calm it. It seems shocked, but looks up st you with a little smile, before skittering up your fur and laying on your head. Seems you have a new friend! You'll have to name him soon. -You've Tamed a Salamander!- Careful, he's squishy! 5HP 1DPH(Damage) You collect the fish you caught and move on with your new buddy. -You May- Check Traps Explore More Search Out Other Trap Points
As he comes upon the spring water, Tragedy crouches and thinks first. Most sources of spring water are more reliable, he reckons. They're most pure, so it's the best source out here. First he tests the water, not allowing his pets to drink until he finds the outcome himself. - Drink here