
Rock l Male l Alley l Mouse . "He was pretty badly injured, but he could have gotten far. I know the alley that he went to though." He said. "We could start tracking there." He nosed her encouragemently. "We can beat him, and avenge Drat's death.
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Mouse - Alley | M: Rock Mouse nodded, "Okay, show me the alley" she tried not to let her voice tremble. I've become so soft that fast, I can't be too soft, they could take advantage of me, Mouse shook the thoughts from her head, and looked at Rock with determination.

Rock l Male l Alley l M: Mouse . Rock nodded and lead her down the street. With his nose to the ground he sniffed for Ensoms scent. Which he quickly found. Following the scent and the slight trail of blood. He found a spot where a huge smell of his scent came from. "This is it. He laid here for awhile but has recently moved on." He started looking around for clues. "He couldnt have gotten far." He muttered.
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Mouse - Alley | M: Rock Mouse brushed her tail on his shoulder, "Let's see if we can find his scent again" she sniffed the air, hoping to catch Ensom's scent. Nothing...hm...she stared at the spot where Ensom's scent was strongest.

Rock l Male l Alley l M: Rock . Ears pinned back in frustration he sniffed around. He sniffed probably everwhere in that alley. "Wait!" He called out for Mouse, "He had to have left. Thats why we cant find his scent." He bounded towards the end of the alley and sniffed opposite of where they had come in. "I found it!" He called. Then sat and waited for Mouse to catch up.
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Mouse - Alley | M: Open Mouse' face lit up and she hurried towards Rock. Sure enough, she could smell a familiar scent. "You're right, he went this way. Let's go!" she nuzzled him quickly, then bounded on to follow the trail.

Tiger Lily - Pave / Open Tiger Lily licked one paw then shook the rest of her fur out. She looked over at Desert Rose who was finishing eating her mouse. The two cats were at a small creek they had found just outside the reach of where the last alley ended. ( I haven't been on in a while so I just put my characters in a random spot)

Rock l Male l Alley l M: Mouse . He admired her quickly and then bounded off after her. They soon came to the edge of the city and the doot of the dark forest loomed ahead of them. He sighed and then looked over to Mouse. "You will want to do this?" He asked, and took a second glance into the woods, where the fading scent loomed. But along with the dangers with Ensom, there was other dangers there to. He looled expectingly to Mouse. Even though deep down he knew what the answer was.
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Mouse - Alley | M: Rock Mouse looked at the dark forest, her eyes fierce with determination. "We have to, for Drat, and for the safety of all the other cats, including us" she could smell the scent of Ensom looming in the air. There are other dangers in there, and I know that, she thought. She turned to Rock, "I won't let anyone or anything hurt you" she said in a strong voice, daring him to protest. Edited at April 22, 2023 03:07 PM by Riverflow

Rock l Male l Alley l M: Mouse . He smiled at her determination. "I won't let anything happen to you either." He replied. He scented the air to pin point Ensom's scent. "Lets go." He me owed, and padded off into the unknown.
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