
Desert Rose / Pave / Mentions: Tiger lily, Open as they slowed to a stop Desert Rose smelled the scent of rabbit. She looked around she soon spotted it if was small, a young rabbit but still not enough for two days to have a decent sized meal, especially in the winter. She turned her ears to Tiger Lily in a silent signal then both cats started stalking up to the rabbit. Tiger Lily started to circle around behind the rabbit. When both cats were in position, Desert Rose pounced the rabbit saw her and leaped away as she tried to catch it but it went straight to Tiger Lilly's paws. "Good job" Desert Rose said , breathing heavily. She said it with a touch of jealousy Tiger Lily had always been the better hunter. "I'm sure you'll get it eventually" Tiger Lily said .

Drat - Alley | Mentions: Mouse Drat jumped and fell backwards as the american curl's head suddenly popped out from behind the trashcan into her hiding spot. Her leg slammed into the trashcan causing a large booming noise to echo across the alleyway. Drat, out of blind terror, then slammed head-first straight into the cold brick wall. She sat back and clutched her head for a second before remembering what was going on. She backed up a couple steps, tail flicking in embarressment, before realizing she was indeed cornered. "Uh... Hi? You can- Um- You can have the mouse. I- er- I was just..." She fiddled with the position of her legs, trying to think of the right words. I just hope she's not trying to make this alley her home...

Gatsby-skin Gatsby sighed as he watched he'd Macy leave. He knew she'd been salty about it for a long time. He didn't dislike her, he was just tired and irritable, and her overly peppy personality annoyed him. He glanced up, and realized that the bird was gone. He straightened, and decided he would head back to his house. Edited at December 10, 2022 04:06 PM by The Tea Drinkers

*Sorry guys, pretend the thing with Chaos and Night didnt happen yetXD* Chas-Alley-M/ Gatsby Chaos padded along until she saw houses, sniffing the air she smelt cats. When knowing they were probobly Skin Helds she walked their way. Soon she saw a very handsome young male, she gave out a yowl and waited for a response.

Gasby~Skin Gatsby heard a yowl, but couldn't quite make out what it meant. Was it a challenge? Or an admirer? He turned around and made an answering call.

~Ember the alley cat~ Ember woke up to the sound of loud boom. She startled awake and jumped to her paws. After she was sure everything was okay she shook the snow from her fur before walking towards the entrance of her alleyway. Ill groom myself later. She thought with a small sneeze. She was hungry and there wasn't much time till it began to get colder again. Ember left her sent mark by her alley which said, im here, im also open, before walking on the sidewalk. She had to be careful with humans since she was a purebred good cat so she made sure to zig and zag among the humans legs. After walking awhile she made her way into a small abandoned building. After she entered the building she stopped and crouched, listening for any signs of food.

Mouse - Alley/M: Drat Mouse watched as the cat attempted to flee. The cat banged her head against the wall, then sat up dizzily. After she spoke, Mouse sniffed the cat. Hm, doesn't look too dangerous, but she could be acting, she decided to introduce herself. "It's okay, I'm already full. I'm Mouse, what's your name?" She tried not too sound too friendly, just in case, but she wasn't sounding hostile either. She tilted her head slightly as she asked the question, studying the cat. The she looked nervous and scared. Maybe not a threat...but, you can't trust anyone these days.

~Macy the skin held~/M: Desert rose and Tiger lily When Macy was half way to her home she decided to just wander. After a while of wandering Macy smelled a slight smell of rabbit and cat. Hey! Thats the same cat smell that was at my window! Macy thought as she headed in the direction in a trot. As the smell got stronger Macy went faster. Soon though Macy was looking at two female cats who were by a dead rabbit. If it wasnt winter she wouldve probably tryed to steal it but she knew wild cats needed all the food they could get. When she was about 10 feet away she revealed herself and let out a playful yet friendly yowl. Maybe they will want to play! Macy thought excitedly.

Drat - Alley | Mentions: Mouse "I- well, my names Drat, and... Um..." Drat glanced back as her rump backed into the wall. "Your ears are cool?" Drat tried to say something that might lighten the mood or something but it just came out awkward. She sat back and rubbed her throbbing head. "Holy cow that hurt..." she muttered. Surely she won't attack me right? If she were going to attack me she wouldn't have told me her name.

Desert Rose / Pave / Mentions: Macy, Tiger Lily Desert Rose stepped towards the new cat. A skin held by the Looks She started towards the new cat just walking a few feet before stopping. She glanced back at Tiger Lily who seemed disinterested in the new cat after glancing up at the yowl then Desert rose looked towards the new cat again, her ears percked,