
Rock l Male l Alley l M: Mouse . Mouse had leapt to her paws, with an anxious look in her eyes. He knew that she had finally scented it. He put his tail on her shoulder. He had gone hunting and patroled the area while she was asleep. "After we eat we can go after him." He reassured her. He bent down and picked up a chaffinch that hebhad caught. He took a few mothfuls and then pushed it to Mouse. "Here you eat this." Then got up and licked her ear, then moved to stand guard at the mouth of the den.
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Mouse - Alley | M: Rock Mouse bit into the chaffinch, but she barely tasted the meat. She wanted to go after Ensom now, but she couldn't bring herself to argue against Rock. Pushing the remaining pieces of the prey away, she stood up again. "Let's go" Mouse meowed, her tail flicking impatiently. We need to track down Ensom... It's sad Lyko had to leave, and they(she?) aren't coming back anytime soon

Rock l Male l Alley l M: Mouse . She had finished the chaffinch fast and had insisted they be on our way, so he nodded. "Alright lets go." He said and padded out of the den. He quickly picked up the scent of Ensom. "This way!" He flicked with his tail. And he broke off into a fast trot, slowly turning into a run. He couldnt be far now.
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Mouse - Alley | M: Rock Mouse' paws pounded on the ground as she caught up with Rock, her fur slightly brushing his. His scent is strong, he could be anywhere, she thought. The trees around her became a blur and she felt like a rabbit, running faster than she ever had ran. She felt light and full of energy, like nothing could stop her. Suddenly, a tree came in sight and she had to dodge at the last second. Stumbling into the undergrowth, she slowed to a stop as she looked around. Uh oh, I think I'm lost, and I barely know this place! she thought. Looking around for Rock, she tasted the air.