
How did you guys stumble upon WP? Was it by accident or did a friend tell you about it?

Cún said: Favourite Song? xD
I don't have one. I like a lot of the 80s.
I just stumbled upon it. Venomous Flames said: How did you guys stumble upon WP? Was it by accident or did a friend tell you about it?
Edited at March 19, 2018 08:11 PM by Aven

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Do any of you play instruments? Or have you played any before?I am/was a percussionist. I've been working on the piano (though I haven't touched a piano in months), but can also play some mallet instruments (xylophone, marimba, vibes, etc). I've had lessons in violin and drum, neither of which I can play very well any more. I can also make a noise on the flute. That's about it.
What's your favourite food? It's a tie between the following: Real, authentic Japanese ramen. Not the crap you stick in the microwave for 2 minutes. Spicy Szechuan Beef Stew
Favourite Song? Most of the songs I listen to are not in English... Nor do I have a set favorite song. All the songs in my iPod are my favorites that I switch between. This is the one that's been on repeat recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYp-YMd65_A
How did you guys stumble upon WP? Was it by accident or did a friend tell you about it? Someone advertised it on another game site and I joined through their link. Something like that. Don't entirely remember.

Game Moderator Neutral
How did you guys stumble upon WP? Was it by accident or did a friend tell you about it?Technically neither, I was a member of the sister site Draconius Theory for about a year before joining WolfPlay, one day I noticed a link to WolfPlay on the login page. I joined that way, several days after the site went live Favourite Song? I like a bunch, I wouldn't really say I have one favorite What's your favorite food?I like several equally - Real, authentic Thai food(especially Tom Ka and Pad Tai) - Real, authentic Chinese food - Sea food, excluding squid and octopus - Most pasta dishes.
I have a very severe allergy to anything with even the tiniest trace of tomato, so it's often very difficult to eat out. It's almost to the point I can't eat anything that was prepared in a place that uses tomato in some of their recipes
Edited at March 20, 2018 02:16 PM by Destinations End
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What is your favorite pelt and your least favorite pelt in WP, and why?

The Wolfcry said: What is your favorite pelt and your least favorite pelt in WP, and why?
Favorite? That's harsh. I still LOVE hickory because how rich it looks. As for least favorite, I can't think of one really. I like them all.


Do any of you play instruments? Or have you played any before? I actually took guitar lessons for 5 years, though I'd have to admit that I was never fond of it, hence why I've quit. I'd love to persue becoming a pianist, though that will likely not happen anytime soon. Lessons are around here are pretty expensive these days.
What's your favourite food?This is a pretty hard one, though my go-to food would probably be a BLT. I'm a sucker for bacon, lettuce, and tomato all in one go..
Favourite Song?I actually don't have a favorite song, as I listen to quite the variety. I do however, have a favorite artist. This artist would definitely be Jonathon Ng of EDEN. A huge dream of mine was to see him live in concert, and I've actually accomplished that early this month on April 2nd!
How did you guys stumble upon WP? Was it by accident or did a friend tell you about it?If I'm being honest, I can't recall. It's likely that I stumbled upon an app on a similiar site.
Any hidden talents?Uhh, I'm pretty double jointed if that counts. I have the abilities of turning my arms all the way around, as well as my legs. I also have a hitchhiker thumb, yikes. But if we were to get super serious about talents, I guess dancing would count! I've been a dancer for 11 years now, going on 12.
Edited at April 12, 2018 02:29 PM by Shiro

Most shocking moment on WolfPlay?

Game Moderator Neutral
Any hidden talents? Eh, I don't know if I'd personally call this a talent myself, but many friends and family members often say I have an amazing talent and gift for writing stories. I kind of think they're giving me more credit than it's worth though, I've read probably hundreds of books that are so much better than my writing, but I've probably read a large amount that I feel isn't as good as my stories, so I don't fully know what to say about my own writing in my own words. I guess my knowledge of dogs could be considered a talent. Bear, my service dog is owner trained; she and I did puppy obedience at a training facility, and afterwards they gave me and Bear weekly assignments to help with certain things while she was an in training service dog, but for the most part she's completely owner trained. She's perfect at her job and how she behaves in public. She's also perfect around small children and never growls at anyone if they come near her when she's chewing a bone. Heck, she even allows someone to take away a bone as she's chewing on it and won't even growl, bare her teeth or flinch in retaliation to get her bone back. So training dogs may be more or less another talent.
Most shocking moment on WolfPlay? I guess I'd have to say when I was reunited with an old friend that used to be in the same very old roleplay group as me, the group took place years before I joined WolfPlay. I don't really know if I have any extremely shocking moments, even the being reunited with my friend incident I'd say was more cool than it was shocking Edited at April 12, 2018 05:55 PM by Destinations End
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