
A My character moves closer, carefully approaching the bundle in the pond. What is it? Snidepack said: Dappled light said: D My character looks around, intrigued by the flashes. However, that's not what he's looking for. He searches for something specific, his eyes scanning the surface of the water for a hint of the cool colors of his prize... The water's surface moves nicely, and a chill breeze briefly blows through. The specialist stands near the water's edge. But there seems to be something curled up with a blend on it's back, at the water's edge. Just as suddenly as the curled up thing is barely noticed, aside and to the rear a sudden stark rustle in the bushes is heard. A. Investigate what that bundle by the pond is. B. Take a look at the rustle. C. Go to another part of the pond. D. Other.

Sorry for taking so long, I won't charge you any payment for this.

A My character moves closer, carefully approaching the bundle in the pond. What is it? The chosen animal expert moves over there, and pushes some plants out of the way. And there, on a rock next to the water lied a curled up snake, exposed. A. Grab it. B. Look towards the previous rustle. C. Continue on. D. Other. Edited at June 26, 2024 09:57 PM by Snidepack

Pack number:299768. Capturers:wolf expert location:jungle. items:snare pole slip:n/a. Price:10 mushrooms

Oops sorry. Its so messy :(

No need to be sorry! It's fine!!

the blood keepers The wolf expert sets out before you. "Alright!" he exhaled, happy to be out, and he stretched his legs as he walked right to the jungle. Without much hesitation he pushed a large leaf out of the way, which looked like a palm branch, as he entered the jungle. The patch of ground past that first plant showed the dirt, which had a brown color, but not a very vivid brown here near the edge of the jungle. It looked like it could've been a path, but looking up you can tell it's not much of a path at all. The employee walked on without much notice to any scuffled parts in the dirt. Probably old tracks from animals that shouldn't be near to harm, or not tracks at all. A. Head slightly to the left. B. Go on forward. C. Head towards the pond. D. Other.

B. My character moves slow and steady through the jungles brush,as they tread on forwards into the green masst.their eyes search between the flat,big leaves:searching for anything out of the ordinary.

Sorry. I will comment longer replys tomorrow. Right now I have not much time. Goodnight! (OR day. Idk..)
