Trouble in the Steampunk World PT.5
"Ali-" Jumper was confused but something about how they spoke made them tense all the same. They've only seen Alistair become this angry when someone insulted them and when they had gotten taken in Wisdom's world. It means there was trouble and it also meant Alistair was pissed.
"Jumper just stay behind me and don't get in my way," Alistair snapped out straightening his posture to stand at his full height of 6'3. Peaking around him Jumper saw who he was talking to, a lizard man, another blue-skinned man, and an ash-skinned girl. The look in their eyes wasn't a nice one and Jumper backed off, stepping back into the closed door of the shop. They considered going back inside but they didn't want to bring trouble into the one place they were welcomed into.
"So you and the short stack are a pair," the lizard man quipped with a grotesque gargle of a laugh following it, "wouldn't think a universe walker would have a bodyguard, they are normally much more elusive," he chuckled deeply again. Each word poked at different nerves in Alistair and he was very close to just snapping the man's neck. He held back though, he knew the rules Jumper had set out for him when it came to accompanying them on these journies. 'No fighting unless they swing first,' and he abided by it very well.
"So are ya just going to run your gross scally mouth or is there a point of you blocking my path," Alistair asked placing his hand on his hip and cocking his head to the side. His hand brushed the hilt of one of his twin blades twitching to grasp it and put the curved blades to use.
"What was that?" the lizard growled putting his hand on the hilt of his own weapon, a long sword from the looks of it.
"I basically told ya to move your scaly ass if you're going to do nothing but flap your lips." Alistair reiterated slowly. His gaze growing darker and darker with impatience and fury.
Alistair was never really good at waiting for fights to start. He would always be the one to start and end the fights. He loved the thrill they brought and the satisfaction of finally being able to feel pain if they got the chance to even strike. It always sent ripples of excitement through his spine and sent him into a sort of adrenaline-filled trance. Jumper had always said he reminded them of his mother when he got into fights. The joy they saw him take was the same, he had no grounds to deny it either.
He really did enjoy a good fight.
And a fight he was going to get when the Lizardman finally drew his sword and slashed it towards Alistair. He was just as quick though drawing of his blades and blocking the attack. Sparks flew from the force of both their attacks, splashing to the sides of them and lighting up the excitement in Alistair's eyes.
The Lizardman was heavy though and so was his sword added on top of it, and with Alistair being in a semi-tight spot his weight wasn't well balanced. Having to bend his back awkwardly, Alistair grit his teeth as the sword pushed closer to him. "God," he grits out, "you are a lot heavier than ya look," he groaned finally getting his foot to move into a position best suited to balancing his weight along with the added force of the lizard. All he got was a low hiss and more added weight to the blade.
"Alistair," Jumper was scared about the fact that they couldn't do anything to help since they didn't know the land very well, but he did know one place, "be ready to jump backward," they called out before opening a portal right below them.
Alistair knew the feeling of portals well but being sunk into one with little warning still threw him off a bit. He jumped back though right as they entered and within a moment they were all spat back at the top of the hill they entered the world on. Alistair was a bit dizzy from the quick shift, Jumper was fine though, and dragged him back away from the pile of three.
"Fuckin' portal openers," the lizard hissed putting a hand to his head. The other two looked sick as they groaned and untangled themselves from each other.
Alistair cracked his neck thankful now for a more open area and stood in front of Jumper once more. He brought out his second blade and crouched a bit ready to spring to action. "Come on ya scaly bastard what happened to all of the smack talk," he prodded with a shit-eating grin.
The Lizardman stiffened and looked up slowly, shooting an infuriated glare his way. The look alone was enough to send a shiver down Alistair's spine and make his grin widen. And like before the Lizardman was first to make a move with a wide attack, swinging his sword from above.
Alistair was quick to respond and used both of his blades to catch the sword as it came down, aiming at Alistair's neck. The force of the attack was enough to shift him over an inch or so as well which made it even more fun for him.
Using the side of his blades, Alistair was able to slide the sword down and guide the Lizard's movement accordingly. The sword's blade dug into the ground deep within a second of the attack and Alistair took it as an opening. Shifting his stance he turned in a half spin, flipping his blade to strike behind him into the Lizards side.
The resounding squelch sound and the feeling of his blade sinking into something touch was more than enough to tell Alistair his attack hit. Though it wasn't his best option seeing as he left himself open and soon found himself in the ground groaning in slight pain. He lost his grip on his blade after getting thrown off and spun in time to dodge a sword coming at his skull.
"Ya just don't quit," he chuckled jumping away and getting up. He brushed the dirt off of his new cloak and faced the three now facing him ready to battle. "Well this is one unfair way to battle, but I wouldn't have it any other way," he smiled widely and beckoned them to come at him.
"You should have just retreated," Jumper chastized as they stood over a laying down Alistair. The fight took a lot longer than he had hoped but luckily he was the winner and he kept them from getting anywhere near Jumper. And he was also lucky enough to keep jumper from joining in on their own volition.
"Now where is the fun in that," he chuckled lightly bringing his hand up to wipe away a bit of blood from his nose.
He was kind of sad that his clothing was a bit ruined right after he had just got them but it was bound to happen at one point or another. Though luckily the blood wouldn't be seen all too easily with the amount of red and black he was already wearing. The light cream shirt though would have to be discarded though, sadly.
"Come on we should go find an inn to stay at so we can both rest up, I wanna leave tomorrow after some sleep," Jumper put out their hand for Alistair to take. He took it gratefully and got up slowly, feeling the bruises from the hits he took forming all over his body by that point.
"That damn lizard had a hard hit, I don't think I would have gotten out of that fit unscathed even if I tried," he chuckled, holding his side.
"You could have just gone straight for the kill instead of playing and dancing around them as you did, it would have been quicker and easier," Jumper grumbled with a small shrug.
"Well well well, who's the chaotic one now?" Alistair chuckled wrapping his arm around Jumper's shoulders and pulling him over to his side so he could mess with their hair. The other let out a small noise of surprise before they started struggling to try and get away from the attack. Though when the normal method didn't work they just resorted to digging their fingers into a bruise.
"Fuck!" Alistair shouted and let Jumper go to cradle their tender side, "low blow Realmy, Low blow," he pouted rubbing the now very sore area.
"Serves you right, you know I hate when you mess with my hair," they shrugged as they walked.
The rest of the walk kind of fell into the routine of Jumper chastising Alistair from how much of an idiot he was being, to Alistair messing with them, to Alistair getting more hurt by Jumper. All the way until they got back to the city. And like before, the stares followed them as they walked but the whispers became murmurs and quiet talking. Jumper just stayed close to Alistair as he limped forward, looking at the signs as they passed looking for a place to stay.
After a while, they found a place, not the best place but not the worst they had stayed in either. Alistair paid in gold like he normally did and with the help of Jumper got up the stairs to their room. Both ignored the curious looks they got from the inn staff and other patrons and soon got behind closed doors.
With a sigh Jumper closed and locked the door behind them as Alistair trudged to the single bed in the corner of the room and fell over onto it. "Alistair you can't sleep like that, you could get an infection," Jumper sighed walking over and taking off the cloak they were wearing. They put it down on a near stool and rolled up both their sleeves ready to help their mess of a friend.
Alistair just grunted in response along with a half-assed shrug. Jumper's eye twitched and he stalked over to the bed and grabbed Alistair by the collar and hauled him up to a sitting position. They pulled the cape over his head and tossed it to the side then moved to unbutton the vest he was wearing. He paused though and looked over his shoulder for a moment, "Don't get any ideas ya dirty-minded readers," they glared before going back to what they were doing.
"What was that," Alistair mumbled giving them a confused look.
"Nothing, just something that needed to be done," he shrugged pulling the vest off, "Arms up," he instructed and Alistair complied letting Jumper remove his shirt.
"Didn't know you had it in you to-" Jumper didn't let him finish, instead they clamped their hand around his mouth.
"Shut it and let me help," they glared. Alistair stared wide-eyed at the pissed look Jumper gave him and nodded silently. Alistair knew that if he pissed them off even more it would be them that 'killed' him not anyone or anything else. And that alone was scary enough to keep him silent.
Jumper worked fast patching him up and stood back about an hour later to marvel at their handy work, "Now you can lay down," they huffed as they wiped their hands on a clean cloth.
"Thank you Realm," Alistair spoke sincerely giving them a warm look. Jumper gave him an equally warm smile and kicked off their shoes.
"We should get some rest, I'll sleep on the chair," they shrugged as they turned out the lamp next to the bed. Though they didn't even get a chance to move away when a hand reached out and pulled them back.
With a yelp Jumper fell back into the bed against Alistair who wrapped his arms around their waist, "Yeah I don't think so, you'll be sleeping here with me whether you like it or not," Alistair's tone left no room for argument and Jumper nodded stiffly.
"No, just stay," he whispered lowly. His tone alone was enough to make all of Jumper's protests die in their throat.
"Alright," he agreed and shifted to get comfortable as Alistair pulled the blanket up to cover the both of them, "Good night idiot," they whispered.
"Good night Realmy," Alistair whispered back. And soon enough Jumper fell asleep and right before Alistair fell asleep he whispered to them again, "I love you."