
yes absolutely give the backstory >:0 We all know that's not true lol Overthink101 said: Garvin does not apologize. It's not his fault trouble likes to follow him down dark alleys. And everywhere else. Salem said: Hikaru has no bitches :') He's just tryna keep the chaos to a minimum and uh, it's not going well lmao
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Oh my, what a terrible accident ;) The Tea Drinkers said:

That picrew is amazing, I love it. - Great, great- Here you go, the backstory! I will warn, there are some details here that Garvin doesn't even remember and there's details that aren't here that he does. It's a very odd situation. Anyways! -- He was born to Mauve and Aengus Campbell, a Catholic couple that married the June before he was born, in Ireland. Within a week of being born, he was put into an orphanage because, well, guess what- They didn't want him. They hadn't wanted him at all. They hadn't even wanted to get married. Anyways, so, he was in a shitty and most definitely abusive orphanage up until he was, uh, five. And then they burned his birth certificate and kicked him out onto the streets. Oops. He was on the streets until he was around seven, at which point through some uh... Stuff. He ended up under the care of one Rudy Keegan. Who was absolutely terrible. Who also uhm. Kicked him out again onto the streets when he was around nine. He was on the streets then until he decided to try and steal from a pirate at age eleven. At which point he ended up traveling with them until he fell off the ship and drowned because he can't swim. They got him out, had to do some CPR, you know- The whole deal. Anyways. That happened when he was twelve. At this point, they obviously can't have him continue sailing with them so... The pirate who he'd tried to steal from, one David King known as Spade amongst the pirates, suggests taking him to his family in Nevada. So they do. Eventually Garvin gets adopted by Spade's family, becomes Garvin King, and is... Relatively okay. Once he's eighteen he starts traveling on his own again, gambling and doing odd jobs. Because it's what he's more used to. He goes through friends and lovers, he tests his luck quite a bit, and just overall is just being Garvin. He does go back to Nevada to the King's household once a year but he never really stays very long because uh... Attachment issues? Yeah, so, I mean. That's pretty much it, I think.

Poor babi D: But now he has to deal with the whole ghost hunting group <33
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Aw, poor Garvin. That's a lot of being kicked out of places. And the terrible orphanage. At least he had the King family :) How open is Garvin about his backstory, then?

Sorry, had to go do chickens real quick, back now- - Garvin's about as open about his backstory as he is with anything else. He'll dive into stories when he's bored, though usually edited a little or treated as though they're absolutely hilarious, or give one passing lines about shit. Again, treating it as though it's hilarious. If someone asks, he'll talk but otherwise he doesn't bring up stuff except for for the two reasons above. And no matter what, as ine probably could have guessed, he tries to downplay or make it all seem funny when he does talk about it all.

And for the other two of y'all, do you imagine like the rest of the group knows much of their backstories?

you all are making me want to flesh out Maxi's backstory and I'm supposed to be projecting :(

Hikaru has a pretty typical backstory up until he has the demonic deal thing happen. He'd be pretty open to giving up all his lore if asked but it's probably easiest to ask him questions every so often and get it all piece by piece because it'll probably make more sense that way lol Freedom said: And for the other two of y'all, do you imagine like the rest of the group knows much of their backstories?
Edited at October 28, 2024 07:28 PM by Salem
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Not going to lie, Garvin's my most fleshed out character, I think. I have so many different versions of him too. There's Garvin, the original, where he never got taken in or adopted or anything and oh boy the angst- He's my little punching bag :3 There's Garvin Kelby Campbell, where his parents actually kept him. There's Garvin Chips O'Rielly, where a cop adopted him. There's Garvin Chips Aster, where a nice couple in Louisiana adopted him. and now there's Garvin Chips King.