
XD I love that. He's just going to be there minorly freaking out while he hangs from her antenna (calculating how many bones he'd break falling back down of course, because he's silly like that). I love her design by the way! ^^

Viscus will be like "he's so adorable" while Bear's like 👁👄👁 the whole time. Maybe we should make her try and give him a raw rabbit too 😭 Moose said: XD I love that. He's just going to be there minorly freaking out while he hangs from her antenna (calculating how many bones he'd break falling back down of course, because he's silly like that). I love her design by the way! ^^
And thank you! ^^ Edited at July 13, 2024 07:27 PM by Matunda

He wouldn't want to say no because he feels that would be rude somehow (and also he doesn't want to offend a dragon/new friend) but also his mind is like 'samonella' 'food poisoning' 'do not eat the raw meat' 'danger, danger' Or y'know whatever the medievalish equivalent to understanding of food safety is.

Maybe Viscus could notice him hesitate and realize that he doesn't want it?

I'd hope so! Otherwise he'll probably figure out some way to avoid eating it without hurting her feelings - in that case I wonder how long it would take for him to finally get around to telling her humans don't do well with uncooked meat-

By all means, throw ^^ Moose said: My new boy Bear will be paired with Viscus ^^ yay. As for Vanessa~ I'm going to add in her Iris affiliation (Besties 😌) in a moment & I'm also going to take a look at the dragons hehe (I believe it's up to you guys on claiming her, but I'm happy to throw her in one of y'all's direction if that's easier)
I love it though XD I so badly want to find Delta some potential Love Interests, I don't think she'd be easy to win over but I can't help but want to find someone to trryyy Mother said: I was just telling Matunda that Koa is an appreciator of badass girls with cool scars, so, um, yeah also, as I'm rereading her, I see that she is "not a damsel in distress" and I think I must have had that subconsciously implanted in my brain when I wrote his crush section. And here I was, thinking I was being so punny Imperial Sands said: Ooo we can come up with something for Delta and Koa? I want her to be weirdly enigmatic so I think she'd be kind of popular but not necessarily the most liked lol Mother said: Anybody want to plot affiliations with Koa? Still working on his second pic but his form is done >_<

Koa laughs in the face of death and rejection

Will be finishing my Crystal Boy possibly tomorrow afternoon if life doesn't slam me again. I just need to do his powers. I got freakishly busy for no reason ; so I'm playing catch up at the moment. Also, PM me to work out affiliations for my characters :D

Aw man I'm late. Anyways Vor'Malak is open to small affiliations. He's a bitch so approach at your own risk 😔

Yasss we love it. Mother said: Koa laughs in the face of death and rejection