
Apparently, I shall have to make an effort to lace my posts with fowl references. I made another soldier. Phew, that didn't actually take me too long considering I can take months.

Please- The way you write is fucking golden Freedom. Reminds me of an old timey English writer I got into years back. I don't remeber his name, otherwise I definitely would have recommended it.
And Umbra you had me cackling. I can already invision the responses XD
I'll start on something tonight! This is so exciting :D

Y'alll I just finished reading your entries, both of them left me with a huge smile on my face! Freedom, I love of all the settings you could have choose, you went heckin dust I laughed so hard when I was reading the opening paragraph! I feel bad for Calhoun though sneezing away. Kind of scared to write mine now shdfksd I wasn't kidding about the rustiness. I shall do my best to... blow the dust off the old writing muscles

Good job, Froggy! An excellent character, I applaud your industry! And really, everyone, thank you very much. I enjoy being lathered with compliments, and I am feeling very good about myself today. I want to take a picture of myself, sign it, and kiss it. Calhoun's post is amazing, of course. I love the dialogue :) For some reason I read all of it in a voice like a Peanuts character. You really incorporated the dust into the story, very nice dust-building. Engima, if your post is 1/10th the length and 1/100th the quality that I've seen you post before, I think your post will be fantastic :) In fact, I know it will. Edited at April 29, 2022 05:25 PM by Freedom

Hehe, thank you all. I can't wait to see the other posts as well. This is such an entertaining rp. Freedom, that's such a perfect way of describing his voice! I was hoping for it to sound similar to that. If anything, slightly deeper, but literally exactly like that. I wanted him to still sound childish given his age, but slightly mature. And thank you, I loved the dust idea. I couldn't resist and needed to incorporate it more. And Enigma, your post will be amazing, I'm sure of it!

Writing up my response now! Double-checking, the wagon is close-topped right? I'm thinking something Oregon trail like

I think the wagon is up for interpretation? I personally imagined something without a top, like a farmers wagon, but closed does seem more practical.
Just describe it however you like! I don't think it matters all that much and we can all conform to what you decide it looks like :)

Aight cool, I've decided to leave that detail out for now!

Darn! I wish I had finished my character soon enough... alpapwofl

Yeah, I have no idea what the wagon looks like. I personally imagined an open farmer wagon, so the dust is at its worse, but I don't mind whatever is convenient. Sorry Royal