
I want to be snarky and say it is unacceptable to fall asleep. XD Sleep is important.

XDX I will get my posts out if not tonight definitely tomorrow! We are just speeding along aren't we!! Lots of catching up to do.~

I see we did bit of a jump and just wanted to ask if adding Solfrid to current "garden scene" would be bit too many people there at once or it would be a good thing for her to appear? Note: In this case she would try to upkeep her regal, ruler of the court, kind, etheral facade mostly cause humans are present, plus that is the easiest role to play in front of multiple people/crowd (despite fae knowing her curious, childlike, meanly "playful" side).

Maybe she comes in to them about to eat and catches the end of Aziel saying Caite should be careful about saying Aether's name?

What frosty said :3 It could be interesting
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gotta start the drama early. XD


Also this festival, um, what is it about-will it be THE festival where engagement is announced or something minor/local?

The festival isn't happening at the castle, and it should've been ended just before Aether gets there since it's not a long festival. It's a local thing mostly so the engagement thingy isn't part of it
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eee gasp what if Solfrid decides to throw a royal ball to announce their engagement and then y'know to the dungeons with the humans and into the fight ring