
Legit thought you rickrolled us for a sec Argos-
But yaaaaay! It's up! :D
I've got other RPs to catch up on tonight, so I'll sit back for a hot second, but I'll be sure to take notes on what y'all do and have something up within a day or two. Edited at April 28, 2022 09:21 PM by Ellyllon

Probably because Wyan is whiny. That's what makes it the worse chore

Hooray! I will get my post up first thing tomorrow!

I will most likely get my post out tomorrow, but I can't wait!

Hoorayyy I'm excited to get started! I too try to post my thing tomorrow

I have done it! I have posted! Hooray for me! Also, I hope nobody minds that I chose for it to be windy and dusty. It just needed to be something, you know? Edited at April 29, 2022 02:54 PM by Freedom

That is one of the most beautiful things I've read in a long time. Bantam is absolutely a hoot.


I absolutely loved that post, Freedom. Bantam is so entertaining. Off I go to type Calhoun up in the meantime.

Why, thank you very much! I spent about an hour trying to think of a joke, and another hour looking up geese. It was such fun to write :) Can't wait to see everyone else's!