
I just added in an option between Jubilee and the swamps so that you can decide what direction you'd like the plot to go :) I realize we might need to verify with one another before really moving the plot forward, but I figured this wasn't too significant.

Hmm, maybe it's because I enjoy a little bit of drama. . . but I think I'm going with Jubilee. I broke my glasses yesterday, so I won't even attempt to look over the map right now, but that's the path I'm choosing. Besides, I am curious to see more about what Vim's past has in store for him. And a place full of lawlessness? Constance's reaction should be entertaining. So yes, Jubilee it is. And this wasn't too significant, but I do agree on needing to run things by each other before moving forward.

Alright, Jubilee it is :) I somehow thought you'd go with that. You know, it might also be good for us to have a list of a few ideas we've both agreed to so we can draw from that for our RP responses. Do you have any ideas you've already thought of and are sort of playing around with? Edited at April 7, 2022 05:22 PM by Freedom

Then you thought right! As for ideas, nothing quite solid yet. I do feel like though, since Constance has his control issues, that if Jubilee goes rather south for them both, Constance would subtly turn the map over to Vim. If Constance views Vim as worth something, and in this case a potentially better decision maker in terms of travel, he would be more inclined later to at least be more willing to ensure Vim's existence isn't put on the back burner of his mission. So that's one thought, more geared to their relation with one another though. As for what happens in Jubilee, I think unless Constance is directly effected or threatened by anything there, he will just be visibly demonstrating a great deal of patience. It might be different depending on what you may have in store for Vim though.

I don't have any solid ideas yet either, but I will definitely tell you if I think of any. I'm still working on rebuilding Vim after having deleted his information, but I think at this point, when Constance has a majority of the power in the relationship, Vim wouldn't be adverse to making a situation slightly worse or guilt tripping Constance so that he has some small amount of control. I think it could be fun to do that, show different sides of both characters and have the dynamic begin shifting slightly. I had no real plans for Vim, I honestly just thought of those two places off the top of my head.

I think I still have stuff to finish on the notes I have for Constance, but I'm very careful with storing my characters things after I accidently lost the notes to three of mine... that was a hard lesson to learn. Yes, I think that would be fun as well! I am definitely intrigued to see the shifting in dynamics start. If I'm lucky, I might have my response done by Friday, or some time over the weekend. Fingers crossed!

I'm ashamed to admit it, but I spent a little over a week throwing a tantrum at the fact I accidently deleted the almost finished original post I had. I'm done being a cry baby now, however, and I'm pretty sure my job has set out to drain my entire life's force . . . but I finally finished! Yay!

Aw, wee lamb :( I'm so sorry for your deceased prose. But fortunately you got your excellent new post out anyway. I'm very busy recently but I'll try to respond as soon as I can.

Just so you known, it'll be another week and a half before I can reply. I apologize profusely, I am just swamped right now.

No need to apologize! It took me how long to reply? Please, take all the time you need. :)