
Regarding the pit bulls, what if a human who lived close to the construction site decided to walk their like 5 pit bulls (or however many there are) in the park you mentioned was near the abandoned construction sight? The human could be helpful as I doubt a little group of cats can stand up against a bunch of dogs- (and I doubt all characters will be there at once). Maybe the human gets a call and wanders over somewhere else, we fight the dogs, then the human comes back and helps us or smth.

That's a really good idea Essence!! I think we should go with that ^^


Im also not sure if this bothers/concerns you. But, I would suggest shutting down the RP Joining Forums at some point. It obviously doesn't have to be soon because we did just recently started, but I get into a lot of RPs where the owner forgets to shut down the original forum and people just keep joining. As you get further into the RP it gets difficult to keep adding more characters

Oh yes, thank you Essence ^^ I will likely shut them down soon. I see we have a new person joining tonight, I'll probably close the sign-ups at the end of the day sometime tomorrow

No problem! Sorry for all the suggestions :') Lmk if there are too many, sometimes I get carried away! ^^'

No, no! I love having suggestions! :D Not a problem, I love it!

Alright! Thanks ^^ Just making sure Edited at December 29, 2023 11:38 PM by Essence of the Wolf

Hey everyone! I will be getting Ivorys post up tonight, any preferences on where she should start at?

I don't mind! It's all up to you but our RP setting is currently night. If I were you i'd have Ivory join us in the morning, which will help the time move in the RP. Or you do you and have her join whenever!