

Some slight worldbuilding lore for you guys ahead of time Because I want you guys to think of stuff for your deities too and all- There had been a period of time where Ferre had been forgotten, Sanguinex becoming their Champion was the catalyst to their return.

Incorrect Epic quotes (or just phrases slightly tied to Epic) to show Ferre before being forgotten (Past Ferre) and Ferre after being remembered (Ferre Now) Past Ferre, to a mortal; “I’ve got a name to uphold. So I can’t go letting you walk or else the world forgets I’m cold… Now get in the water… Get in the water. Or I’ll raise the tide so high, all of Polaris will die. Get in the water. I’ll make tidal waves so profound, both your wife and your son will drown. Get in the water! Don’t mistake my threats for bluff! You have lived more than enough! Get in the water!” Ferre Now, to a mortal; “Divine intervention? Is that what you seek? To untie apprehensions that were placed on that leech? You are playing with thunder, for a man full of shame. But if he’s worth the risk of going under… Why not make it a game!? :D” Past Ferre; “Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves!” Ferre Now; “We’ll be fine if we’re leading from the heart!” Past Ferre; “You don’t think I know my own palace? I built it!” Ferre Now; “Let me be your light!” - We go from this serious, ‘Ima wreck your life and absolutely make you miserable’ to ‘I want friends (also I’m really petty and chaotic)’ real quick there I think the winnions in Keep Your Friends Close do the best job at showing it. Ferre Now; “It’s treaure! Buh-bye!” Past Ferre; “Never really know who you can trust.” Ferre Now; “Sometimes sneaking is a must.” Past Ferre; “Never really know who you can trust.”

I have been a bit busy with friends and work but I had a good Christmas (because go pagan traditions that we treat like pagan traditions in my household wooot wooooo) I remember you sending me Hasiya but I love Sanguinex's concept- part of me wants to make a person who is obsessed with your deity Socrates, to an unhealthy degree of devotion and also someone who has vivid dreams due to their PTSD as an avatar for Adapa glad you both are doing well and I will work on forms when I get the time!

Yayayayay! Always good when pagan traditions are treated like pagan traditions! - Haha, yeah. Hasiya being an avatar of your deity is mostly due to the willpower aspect. More or less. Not sure on my avatar for Aislinn yet lol Honestly, someone obsessed with Ferre would be hilarious. The first time the avatar speaks to them and shows even a modicum of interest, Ferre just starts infodumping on them about vivisections. They're so unhinged. Cabinet Man by Lemon Demon is so them.

yeah I am super excited for Hasiya and I think my deity will grow such a strong friendship (then again, they tend to build strong friendships easily so-) haha yeaaaah, a lot of unhealthy relationships (familial, platonic, sexual, romantic, etc.) have led to this obsession so be prepared for him to be desperate to hear more of Ferre's unhinged nature so long as he gets a scrap of attention. oh my god I love that song- that explains a lot, honestly. I dont know why but I was just reminded of Honey I am Home by Ghost and Pals (maybe because of the mention of vivisection) and if you have not heard of the cryptic lore or song, do it now.

You guys want picrews of Sanguinex and Ferre's most human mortal form?

Yes. Oh my god, yes please.

Funnily enough- Honey I'm Home is actually on my Snaguinex and Ferre playlist... So is Marble Soda V2 by Techtonyc and Shawn Wasabi. - We love that Ferre is getting one unhinged Avatar and a rather stoic and serious Champion that Ferre is slightly obsessed with. The cycle of obsession! Yay! - And alright! I'll get those up soon!

No shot! Are you serious?? That's too funny! Never heard of Marble Soda V2 though so I will check that out now! I really want my obsessed character to be friends with the champion despite being somewhat bitter that he doesn't get that attention (he believes he doesnt deserve that attention and that the Champion must be so much better than him then but he cannot help a little envy of his friend) yayyyy! Cannot wait!