
Yep, I had to do the same thing for Constance. Take your time, and if you really need it, feel free to take fifty years. ;)

There we go, only took me about three weeks! I'm looking for a job and everything's sort of crazy, so the quality's not great. And somehow it ook me an entire week just to write it. Also, I couldn't remember or find what time of day it was supposed to be, so I assumed it was late evening. Sorry if I was wrong. Would it be better for us to skip over to the next morning soon?

The quality was great to me! :) I completely understand about everything being crazy, we all get our share of that, so no worries as always. Yeah.. honestly I have no clue what the time of day was beforehand, so I'm going with late evening as well. And yeah, we can definitely skip to the next morning. In fact, I can do that in my next post if you want. The reply might be a bit lengthy, but that's the worst. If so, any preference or idea you have on where the skip should pick up?

Well, I'm glad you liked it :) I was severely sleep-deprived when I finished, so I felt like a general failure as I usually do when I'm sleep-deprived. Yeah, you can skip to the next morning in your next post! It's fine if it's long, I love reading your posts. Mine will probably be longer as well. I guess the post should include Sir Constance arriving at the tavern where Vim's staying, though where exactly it picks up is up to you. You can detail Constance's evening and morning before that happens as well. I'll just match whatever you write.

One rather lengthy post complete! Hopefully I did decent, but I'm pretty sure if I added any more detail it woud be more like reading a novella. I love reading your posts as well by the way! :) Hopefully you still feel the same after reading through all of mine.

Dude, I don't know why you keep saying your posts are just decent. You're one of the few people who makes my heart do a happy little flip every time I see you've posted. Yesterday I was totally exhausted for several reasons, but when I saw you'd posted I managed to get through one entire paragraph before I passed out. That's how amazing it is. How about a deal: I won't belittle my posts if you won't belittle yours.

I'd like to think it's a curse of being a writer; constantly belittling your own work. You have yourself a deal though lol. :) I absolutely love reading through your posts too, it's always fun for me to read through Vim's thoughts.

It is indeed the writer's curse, and I'm sure it's the same with many other creative mediums :) That's why it's important to make anti-belittling pacts, I suppose. I'm glad we both love each other's work, because otherwise this might be a very dull and awkward RP. Just so you know, it'll probably be a week or more before I reply. I mean, I usually take a long time reply anyway, but I thought it would be polite to tell you. I have so much work to do and it all came suddenly crashing down on me yesterday.

I still have a ton to do, but I got a post out! As per our agreement, I shall not belittle it, so instead I say: What beauty! What splendor! I have never written such an amazing post in my entire life. Huzzah me!

A simply splendid post indeed! When I get around to replying, I will be sure to hype myself up on an abundance of self praise as well, in accordance to our agreement of course. I should get my own post out soon though, unless work gets in the way... fingers crossed though!