
they have spot, thorn, etc and, y'all we should def revive this rp! i was gonna send a reply out last night but i had to do adopts and then i was up way too late so i went to bed. who should aster interact with?

marley said: they have spot, thorn, etc and, y'all we should def revive this rp! i was gonna send a reply out last night but i had to do adopts and then i was up way too late so i went to bed. who should aster interact with?
Hmm, let me check who Cloud is currently interacting with

Cloud is currently interacting with Bayan and Daxton

I'll revive! Give me a couple minutes and I'll post

i almost posted on my other account on this thread >.> how scary

Lol, must be hard managing to rp accounts for different rp's, anyways I still need a reply from Corvus, and I posted a week again ;-; and nobody has posted since, Atleast since I've checked last which was 5 minutes ago-

no not at all haha, its quite easy honestly. i think im gonna get a reply out from aster, so that'd be up in 15-20 mins. i sent a RP reply to misery [in a 1x1 rp we have] and they haven't answered that either but its okay!

new rule. if you don't post in the thread for over a week, you're out of the RP, no ifs, ands, or buts. i am going to become very strict about this now

It's easy? Lol for me that would be hard but yeah we have lives replying can be difficult I'm suprised I was on this week because I my vacation was crazy, it was originally supposed to be my mom, my dad, and my brother, but then my niece and nephew came and so did their dad (other brother) and yeah it called all crazy with little kids in the house I hardly had time for myself lmao

i'd cry- whenever my uncle comes over he brings his thousands of kids (he has 5-6 and i have 4 other siblings) so thats like 10-13 kids in the house :') it doesnt help that our house is already crowded with the six of us living here