
I think we can set up the RP thread soon, if y'all don't want to keep waiting. We have enough characters to at least start, and until everyone gets there they can just hang out ^^ I do want a confirmation from everyone (Lost Memories, East MountainClan, Overthink101, Old Money) There's definitely a few fun things to do while they wait :P Edited at October 8, 2024 01:00 PM by Salem
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I'd be fine with starting already Though feel like maybe I should be figuring out some affiliations a bit more first XD

I'm cool with that @Salem ^^ might check with my friend again if they're interested in joining hehe

Once I get a confirmation from everyone I'll put together a short NPC list to give you a bit more time with that, if that sounds okay Overthink? :P
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I'm down to start whenever! :D Also, side note, Nico also basically calls everyone by nicknames, so a word of warning for that. Them and Garvin have a great time with it XD Though she'll probably develop more nicknames over time- - Also, yeah, affiliations would be ideal, at least for a basic understanding of character relationships, I agree with Socrates, lol

Haha, yesss The Nico and Garvin nicknames shall reign supreme for sure Garvin comes up with a few off the bat but he'll definitely be coming up with more as time goes on. Especially if his memory fails him and he ends up somehow forgetting all of the nicknames he gave someone already, hehe

lol sounds like it's gonna get crazy real quick XD in a good way tho

Dimitri, or Tree, is open for any and all shenanigans 🫡
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Wooo more shenanigans!!! Probably need to PM you for Garvin and Aries affiliations with him lmao