
I am doing alright but tired! alright here we go with a little bit of explanations! Sacred Animal- Wolf (I know, seems kinda cliche to pick a wolf but it was the only animal I could think of that continually represents both violence and familial/friendship/pack bonds) Sacred Crystal- Carnelian (it is supposed to symbolize confidence when speaking but it is also the sacred color!) Sacred Flower- Red Tulip (uhh dumb reason: you need two lips to communicate. Two lips=tulip.) Sacred Herbs/Spices- Paprika (the color mostly but also because I can see there being a test of willpower among mortals of eating a teaspoon of paprika) Sacred Tree- Mulberry (if you have heard of the end of Pyramus and Thisbe, you can guess why) Sacred Color- Dark, Rusty Reds (because blood) Sacred Fruits- Pomegranate and Mulberry (you already know why for Mulberries, but pomegranates are supposedly connected to family? so I guess this one works.) Sacred Offerings- Confessions (I just think it would be interesting to communicate with the deity of communication with the things you were unable to say)

Fun, fun- If you think of more for any of that stuff let me know! All of that looks great though

I am going to post in here to revive it haha - What do we think about each deity having a champion that you'd play too along with two apprentices/successors each kind of taking the place of scholars? It's basically a- The scholar most favored by the deity is a Champion and then there are two scholars under that for once the Champion dies or fall out of favor, they get to take that mantle instead, and they'd been known as Avatars You'd get to be your own Champion but then the Avatars would be the others. Like I'd have Ferre's Champion but then you two would be Ferre's Avatars.

Oooooo okay I love this idea! also, hi! sorry, I have been busy these past few weeks but I am trying to free my schedule for you guys more often. how's it going? I havent had any Socrates or Adapa updates so I have been a bit sad.

I've been alright, hopefully you've been okay too - I've been updating the blog for the deities if you want to make sure everything there fits for yours lol

I think the funniest thing about this RP is that I already know 3 out of the 4 characters I'll be using. Ferre Sarken Kanik/Sanguinex (Ferre's Champion) Azar Rojos/Hasiya (1 of Fenrir's Deity's Avatars) ((who will most likely get a revamp haha)) So the only character left for me to figure out is Aislinn's Avatar. - Also! Merry Christmas, Yuletide, Holidays, and whatever other midwinter festivities are out there to celebrate! Edited at December 25, 2023 12:51 PM by Overthink101

Happy Holidays!! How have you been celebrating recently Socrates?? Oooo can we know a bit about your characters? I am still developing my Champion and two avatars so I need inspiration...

My holiday's been good! Mostly been chilling and/or visiting family haha You? - Yes you can know about my characters! :D Hasiya was supposed to be in Not Dead Yet, my fire tiefling boy. - Sanguinex is new. And he is the accidental Champion for Ferre. He'd been trying to become an Avatar or Champion of your deity, Fenrir, but due to... Stuff... He'd become an Avatar of Ferre's instead without even realizing it. Eventually he did and that was when he became their Champion instead. - How does your deity look in the blog? There's a lot of new stuff haha

Hello my favorite online friends, how's everyone? Happy Holidays!! <3 - Sorry I've been inactive, been busy lately, lol - Everything in the blog looks great, I'm excited for this!

I'm alright, hopefully you're doing good! - Glad everything looks good to you! Still working on it all. If you think of anything for Aislinn please feel free to let me know, haha-