
No apology needed. ;) Oh yes, I share in the suffering of such cruelty. The audacity some people have to actually make a hermit such as myself have fun, it's the most appaling thing one could do.

Now it is my turn to offer my sincerest apology! I was not expecting to come across an itty bitty kitten in dire need of food, water, a home, and love. She does not appreciate that I, a mostly-human creature, require at least 6 hours of sleep to function at an almost normal level. So hopefully, my response wasn't complete garbage. :)

Oh my, an itty bitty kitty? No apologies needed, kittens always come first. Even kittens who don't understand the concept of sleep. Your response was wonderful, as always, no need to worry.

Alright, so I meant to go over this with you before, but better now than never. When it comes to exactly how they secure travel, did you have anything pre-planned from when it was the original group RP idea? If not, I have a few ideas! (Though of course, you could trash these, add onto them, or come up with something entirely different. When it comes to sea, needless to say, it will come with a fair share of difficulties as well as potential advantages. Weathering through potential storms, the trouble of boiling drinkable watering, and other hazards I'm too lazy to list. I mean, we could also choose to overlook the minor issues haha. If they go by land, I feel like that could be considerably dangerous, but also, it could be a lot of fun. Of course, long distance travel would more than likely be by horseback for either some or all of the journey. I'm assuming there will also be times resources are low, so deviations from the main route will likely happen a bit such as potentially needing to do some hunting or going around difficult terrain. Also, for either method, we could of course work in stops to neighboring kingdoms, princedoms, or whatever else could be used as a means to resupply. Hopefully this all makes sense. I'm a sucker for planning, so like I said before, trash, add, or come up with something entirely different. :)

I didn't have any ideas (well, I probably did, but I forgot them), but I love yours. I'm all one for honing in on the little problems :) If they go by sea they're going to need a crew and probably a captain unless one of them knows how to captain a ship. So that will require a lot more NPCs. A lot of the hazards relating to weather and pirates and such would be mostly their job. On land, of course, it's sort of just them fending for themselves. There are a lot more random problems they can run into, and it will really depend on the terrain. I guess we'd just have to choose one and then decide what risks we think would be the most fun to RP.

Yes, they would definitely need a crew because Constance would never admit that he doesn't know how to captain a ship, and that would end the journey very fast if he tried and failed. Unless Vim does of course, which would be kind of funny beings Constance struggles with seeing people better at something than he is. And yes of course, NPC's would need to be a bit of a necessity for a crew, which could get to be develop as either a loose plot point, or a problem. There really is a lengthy list of potential problems for them on land. I feel like if they go by land, they'll be pretty dependent on each other's strengths and it could be amusing to develop that part. I honestly feel either will be fun, so if you have a preference, feel free to pick. Otherwise, well, we could eenie meenie miney moe it. XD Edited at January 2, 2022 07:30 PM by Edling

Sorry, my internet isn't really reliable. I don't know that much about medieval sailing (though I bet it's fascinating), so since I don't have much time for research right now land might be better for me. I'm a sucker for nautical tales, but I just don't have the time or internet for that right now :)

No worries, I get it. :) Same here, I haven't put too much research into the entirety of medieval sailing, and I don't quite have the time for doing in depth searching either. So, land probably works best for me as well. Alright, so it's settled then. I'll try and pump out a reply then within the next day or two!

It only took me forty years, but I finally got a decently written post out! <3 Breaking back into Constance's state of mind and personality is such a lovely challenge. Probably why he's among my favorite characters though.

A wonderfully written post. And I know, it's hard, I haven't played Vim in so long I sort of forgot what he was like. I had to read his profile and all of our posts again. I should get a post out in a few days to forty years :)