

Meant to join here yesterday but had to run before my laptop died XD but I am here now! Hello ^^ Lyra is open for affiliations of pretty much any kinda, while I do have ideas/plans for her romantic life that can change depending on others. But I am open to discussion for that :D

Hello, hello! Welcome! Garvin's got some work ahead of him, figuring out nicknames for everyone... Gotta get started on the constellation nicknames he always gives people Caelum for Aries and Tucana for Briar and Pavo for Nico- You know, the charactere I've had Garvin in RPs with before already, those I know... Everyone else still needs one of those though lmao Lyra is the obvious choice for constellation nickname for Lyrssa but Garvin will probably end up givign her a second one just because he doesn't like the obvious choice that Lyra is XD ... I'll figure it all out. If anyone has ideas for their character's constellation nickname, PM me. Oh- And if you have ideas for affiliations with either of my characters, obviously lol

lmao I totally forgot Lyra was a constellation and ya have a point it is a bit obvious in that sense, hm.. how about Pegasus, Ara(the alter), or Pyxis(the compass). Or perhaps just because I like the sound of it, Andromeda?

Pyxis is off limits for everyone because that had been Garvin's constellation nickname back in the day. I'll be glancing at Pegasus and Ara though, for sure. Andromeda, I thought, was a whole galaxy? Is it a constellation too?

Ah okie np ^^ Andromeda is both, there's a galaxy and a constellation with the name weird Ik but I double-checked

Alright- It's down to Ara and Andromeda for Lyrssa Depending on whether Garvin sees that she has an alter or that she's afraid of water first. Mhmmm

lol that'll depend ^^ she is abit picky on who she shows her alter, as that's kinda a nerdy thing for her being so into Greek myths. Something that others can and have made fun of her for. So if Gavin brings up the myths and they get talking then yea he'll likely see the alter first before finding out the bit about water XD That is unless there's an incident with a large body of water before they can get to that haha but either way is fine by me :D

Well, Garvin doesn't really know anything about Greek Myth- Though, if Aries calls him Odysseus then he might end up going to her to figure out more about Greek Myths and whatnot because obviously he needs a good nickname comeback to Odysseus/Nobody. Depends on how quickly that happens though-

lol that works ^^ well we will certainly have to find out then :D oh I am excited for this hehe, ah the chaos I can already see happening XD