
I think at the gathering would be more dramatic. Tallan and Oleander could maybe start some drama by questioning everything in public? Or mostly Tallan since it's his spot, but Oleander follows his regardless. But maybe Oleander isn't removed as a royal guard until a few days later, so he still obeys the new heir?

ohhh yes i like that, oleander obviously still has to continue his duties as a guard (at least until he gets fired lol) but he feels really conflicted about doing that to tallan. maybe he relays some of the information that he learns about the reason for replacing the heir to tallan and he's removed as a guard because the court starts to question his loyalty?

That works! And we did decide the prophecy wouldn't be revealed until later on, correct? I think once we get to that point, Tallan and Olenader could be moving to a different part of the surrounding area as tensions continue to rise. They come across, say a tavern, and some sort of 'fortune teller' discovers them. They get told something of an older heir, rightful king, etc and then later they realize what the dude was tlaking about. They could send someone or themselves honestly to one of the kingdom's libraries while trying to remain hidden? They look for anything that may correlate between the prophecy and Tallan?

that sounds perfect! i like the idea of them leaving the palace itself if tensions get too high, oleander isn't a guard anymore at that point so he wouldn't have anything binding him to it i like the idea of a fortune teller too! maybe the prophecy is a really old text that's kept locked up in a library somewhere in the kingdom? only one copy or something like that so they have to travel to get to it

Yes that all sounds good to me. :) Who should start?

i'm good either way :) i can make the thread and post it here!


If you'd like to start you definitely can. I have to go to bed shortly but if you'd prefer I do, I can tomorrow :)

i'll go ahead and start working on mine then!
