
What is an Introduction and how do you use it? Introductions are fairly simple, a lot of people write them up for roleplay naturally. Coming about from a prompt or basic concept an introduction builds off of an idea; including additional information that elaborates on the context of the story. I.e. why you want to roleplay this scenario and what it's about.

Does anybody have any tips for getting a roleplay to not die out quickly?

Crazydayz said: Does anybody have any tips for getting a roleplay to not die out quickly?
Well first what is the root reason for the roleplay dying out? Commonly its lack of interest, structure, or conflicting schedules but overall in a general sense structure is good for keeping a roleplay alive. Aka know what you're working towards (over aching goal) and mix smaller moments of thrill along the way (interaction, action, bonds, etc.)

Thanks for the advice! I'll keep it in mind for my future roleplays.