
Awesome ^^ Also I'm a bit too lazy to edit Aether and add his wings to his description so.. think giant black bat wings with the darkest shade of purple in this picture for the membrane parts
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Salem said: Honestly, I was thinking option A when I was writing it lol I was thinking on Aether's side he would be doing it from having years and years of pressure to do it before meanwhile the High Lady of the day court would've been doing it as a power move. Aether isn't dumb though so he would know about that, and just kinda go along with it as long as it didn't impact his court in a horrible way. I have no set requirements for what the High Lady would act like, that's up to you so long as it can fit into the story ^^ And so when Caite meets Aether it'd be a bond between 'em and he would have to make Caite the priority. I was thinking, we could start it off with the humans having a trial (kinda like the hunger games maybe?) where they would have to fight some creature the High Lady decides and Aether helps her win? And that can be one of the first signs of Aether's bond with the human?
Option A it is ^^ thank you for other insights as well I'll brainstorm that trial idea, sounds both evil and as showcase of power so that would be neat. Also High Lady of Day Court having it as celebration she invites Aether to OR maybe the marriage was kind of a political secret kept from public till they smoothed out the contract and this celebration could be them announcing the decision to the public(like "now we are engaged and in honor of that we shall watch the trial with lowly humans. Hope this shows how much Day Court, especially High Lady, cares for this alliance and her future husband to organize such exotic entertaiment")-I think it could pile the stress up on Aether ehe. Do we know how humans ended up here in the first place? Or maybe have it bit twisted in a way...like I guess Aether would be appaled maybe? To watch humans be treated as animals? I guess it depends really on how fae percive humans also if Night and Day fae percieve them different. I'd like to know if High Lady of Day would be more like "humans=animals" (though I'd check in with the Mods if this kind of narrative is allowed to be RPed, I don't think anyone would go too much into it with degrading or torture, but still) or "we discovered these esteemed guests and they were oh so kind and wanted to show their warrior side so them fighting for their life is actually something they really like to do, no worries" with second idea if you want we could have High Lady try to keep humans in her land for some ulterior motives, but present it to Aether as humans being their guests and like humans are totally fine here-only for Ather to later on discover humans ain't fine at all and need saving. This captivity could be a longer or shorter period depending on what you all want cause I am afraid that having humans be captive for too long might be boring for them with Lady keeping them under watch at all times. Humans could get more information about Day Court in the meantime, but afterwards I don't really see much progress for them. Or am I wrong about that X3? I am trying to see so many angles I am confusing myself. Do fae know of existence of humans as a specie or are they seeing them for the first time?

Anyhow, I'll go and make High Lady's character sheet now

I was thinking a fae member, of either courts, would have messed with one of the humans and ran back across the border between human and fae territory with the human then chasing after that fae member and the other humans following along for either the fun of the hunt, curiousity or just to help out. I have a character, Mavros, who would likely have done that and ran because his job is basically seduction but you don't actually get to ever touch him type stuff. So, maybe he leads them into day court territory, I'm placing the day court territory closest to the human/fae border purely because that's how the story would need it to be set up. To explain if fae have seen humans before and all that part of it, yes they have. The first illyrians fought a giant war and nearly had that species of fae eliminated, it really only survived because a few members were saved. I have another character, Aziel Castor, who is illyrian by birth and he fought in that war, with Aether saving him from dying because he was one of the first Illyrian's and Aether was probably told to (at this time Aether was likely still too young to really have any power, so like.. prince yknow?). Anyways, Aether took him back to his kingdom and made him a high fae member to make him immortal just like the high fae are, so that the illyrians would never fully die. (It's important to night court fae to keep them alive since they're basically the whole army really) So yes, they've seen humans and for the night court specifically they would probably.. not be too kind to them. For the day court, they would likely be too sheltered to really care about the humans and likely think they wouldn't cross the border because they're scared or somethin'. I think the idea of it being a marriage celebration would be neat lol Like Aether would come there and it'd be all "I threw together this special event as a surprise part of the celebration of our engagement" and he'd likely be confused and then he'd probably be fine with it since humans aren't seen as nice things in the night court but then he'd see Caite and sense the bond and he'd feel compelled to help her, right?
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To play off the chasing of a fae idea, what if the humans were in a small hunting group and they find a doe that isn't exactly a doe, since some fae can shapeshift, and the group follows that into the day court territory only to wind up surrounded by day court guards because the fae had gone back and said that humans were hunting them?


And maybe that is how the humans get "volunteered" to do a fight for the fae? I had the idea while on hold and trying to avoid falling asleep.

@Written, lemme know when it's done! @Frosty, i think that works out
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High Lady of day Court, Solfrid, is done :D feel free to go over it and see if it fits the story