
Illryians don't have horns so I must say the second option
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Gotchya! Wasn't sure about that detail, hence why I asked Thanks ^^

Illyrians look incredibly similar to High Fae (High Fae look really close to humans but are very pale, longer limbs and arched ears) and Illyrians aren't as pale, and have curved ears
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Ah~ I get it ^-^ thanks you filling me in

Pinterest needs to be taken away from me. I keep adding outfits to my boards designated for Caite and Matt.

Sorry for dropping this here right now I just got an idea so I wanna write it down before it escapes me X) I did not yet read through discussion so I don't know if it is mentioned somewhere, but I will most likely edit this later anyway(thou I will surely read through discussion to see what you all agreed upon-from brief looking I saw mainly character looks advising and what courts will look like). I originally did not have idea for another character and now I have for 2 more XD anyhow, I was thinking if no one else is aiming for that role to make a character that is High Lady of Day Court. I am not sure if @Salem has fully developed idea of what she will act like and what are her motivations, and I did not have much to go off of-from what I've gathered there are a few expecations of High Lady of Day Court, besides Aether and human love interest she is probably the one who moves plot forward the most(?) and some this are predecided like she (or someone else from Day Court) was supposed to marry Aether, but soulmates happened and now deal is off and lastly everyone in Day Court is a monster(???). About that monster part, is it subjective or is everyone in day court nuts for no reason? (like that would be kind of weird, but possible if they are all like cursed by something) Or monster is too strong of a word to describe them(I guess it was used more so to convey emotion than reality) so they are: a)there is genuine hate coming from both sides(maybe it is due to majority feeling that way and there are some doubters on both sides who think that is stupid and believe that other side is not that bad-I have a feeling that reconcillation of two sides is not the point here, but still, differing opinions can add to layers of thoughts and make it interesting. So one would ask why bridge the differences if there is hate, cause why would rulers make a decision that might cause their kingdoms to riot against them? I guess that marriage could have been Day Courts idea if High Lady's primary motivation is power, she did not marry anyone in her court cause no one had enough power to satisfy her wishes, but by setting her sights on Aether and marrying him there is an opportunity for her to rule over both territories :D She can either be aware(I'd prefer her to be) or unaware of the fact that Aether is not dumb and that marrying him is not guaranteed power, so she would need to take some other actions and measures to secure all power for herself while Aether would be a puppet of sorts, just there so it seems like this is an alliance of equals, when in fact it is one side using the other. Hate towards humans is based on same premises as hate towards night fae->"they are not like us and as such they pose danger to our way of living" this idea also makes it appear as if there is one and unchangeable way of living. P.S. This motive is sadly present is real life too :'3 but that is bit off topic b) High Lady is someone who is more empathetic and her motivation could be unrequired love. Like she really loves Aether so getting married where love beats all odds was her greatest wish and maybe she was so blindly in love or so hopeful that he will love her back one day, she just though that marriage would fix it all. Plus she could be one of those few ones who disagree with traditional hate for the other side and wants to show her folk that they are not that different from night court, that they can live together peacefully. This would mean she might have more enemies among her own ranks (like as an evil queen she might also have enemies among her own be it that they also want power or they want to trust her judgement, but the start doubting her as she rolls into madness). How she fell in love-welp, she reads too much romance and thus has unrealistic ideas, I can elaborate further later. So once this soulmates stuff starts happening she goes crazy sorta ^^""" her hurt, unrequried love, jealousy and so on make her less rational. This would also make her anger more oriented towards the human rather than Day Court. Edited at November 28, 2023 03:42 AM by Written The Wolf

Or like maybe Aether and High Lady had something going on, but then..? Thou this is more for @Salem to decide cause it invloves their character and if I make High Lady with unrequired love as motivator I do not need them having many if any past interactions in order to run with this idea, it can be built purely on her fantasies.

I'll be honest that sounds really cool 0.0 if Salem okays this I would love to talk subplots for my characters with you, so far my idea just simply stems form adding background drama for ~*Spice*~

Honestly, I was thinking option A when I was writing it lol I was thinking on Aether's side he would be doing it from having years and years of pressure to do it before meanwhile the High Lady of the day court would've been doing it as a power move. Aether isn't dumb though so he would know about that, and just kinda go along with it as long as it didn't impact his court in a horrible way. I have no set requirements for what the High Lady would act like, that's up to you so long as it can fit into the story ^^ And so when Caite meets Aether it'd be a bond between 'em and he would have to make Caite the priority. I was thinking, we could start it off with the humans having a trial (kinda like the hunger games maybe?) where they would have to fight some creature the High Lady decides and Aether helps her win? And that can be one of the first signs of Aether's bond with the human?
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Ooooo all of those sound good.