
Anyone wants afflictions with Hondo, kin and parents are open!
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If my mate is okay with it we will be parents Wolf Pride said: Anyone wants afflictions with Hondo, kin and parents are open!

Uhh Crazy is there a limit on how much I can write? Currently, the post where Katyusha and Mudslide both die is roughly... 7000 ish letters. I'm not sure if this is a glitch with the website, but, um...

Maybe seperate it into 2 parts? It may be a glitch lol. If you have word, paste it there Wolf's Bane said: Uhh Crazy is there a limit on how much I can write? Currently, the post where Katyusha and Mudslide both die is roughly... 7000 ish letters. I'm not sure if this is a glitch with the website, but, um...

Crazydayz said: Maybe seperate it into 2 parts? It may be a glitch lol. If you have word, paste it there Wolf's Bane said: Uhh Crazy is there a limit on how much I can write? Currently, the post where Katyusha and Mudslide both die is roughly... 7000 ish letters. I'm not sure if this is a glitch with the website, but, um...
Update: 9000-ish characters lol

Okay this is getting too long, I'll have to finish it tomorrow. I JUST got to the part where they head up the cliff and it's been thousands of characters lol (not long by my standards, but that's because I use Google Docs font EB Garamond size 11, which is smaller than usual lol)

I am very invested in this post now, because I would love to see such a long post :o Wolf's Bane said: Okay this is getting too long, I'll have to finish it tomorrow. I JUST got to the part where they head up the cliff and it's been thousands of characters lol (not long by my standards, but that's because I use Google Docs font EB Garamond size 11, which is smaller than usual lol)

I'd be fine with another pup Blaze said: If my mate is okay with it we will be parents Wolf Pride said: Anyone wants afflictions with Hondo, kin and parents are open!

Spellbound said: I am very invested in this post now, because I would love to see such a long post :o Wolf's Bane said: Okay this is getting too long, I'll have to finish it tomorrow. I JUST got to the part where they head up the cliff and it's been thousands of characters lol (not long by my standards, but that's because I use Google Docs font EB Garamond size 11, which is smaller than usual lol)
LOL just because my post is gonna be long doesn't mean it'll be good haha

Okay you know what I'm just going to end the post at the part where both Mudslide and Katyusha slip over the edge because this event is wayyyyyyy too long to be dragged on. Update: Oh gosh this is much longer than I expected Edited at January 25, 2024 08:50 PM by Wolf's Bane