
Well we are having our little conversation and I guarantee that in the morning I will have to many messages _Moonshadow_ said: it was weird, normally there is conversation going on in here all the time lol Blaze said: Me personally I liked the silence i didn't get 100 forum topic replays a day _Moonshadow_ said: i'm breaking the silence

Yeah. I didn't know what to do!

Yeah. I didn't know what to do!

I'm getting kinda worried about how quiet you guys are- You all are still here, right?

Crazydayz I've been sick for the past week (couldn't even go to school or get out of bed) So I've been pretty quiet on here And I'm going on a trip from Tuesday until Sunday, so I won't be active for the next week Sorry for the inconvenience

That's completely understandable! Your health comes first so take your time.

I'm still here. Just don't know what to write...

My first week back to college was this week and fighting this weird sickness that I got cause it's not strep, but I got nice sore throat

Welp, it's a bit quiet around here lol time to spice things up Do you guys have any plans for events that might occur soon in the story? I don't mean like plot twists that may be occuring later, I mean much closer to where we are in the roleplay right now. I know we have the "Mudslide takes his name very literally and dies at the Bridge" incident as well as the deaths of all of the other unplayed wolves, but do you guys have any other ideas?

I feel like we should just have Mudslide die now if his patrol members are active. We could have some sort of NPC intruder on the territory for a boarder patrol as well maybe.