
I don't know what you're talking about, you did a fantastic job! My heart was pumping at quite a speed just reading it. 10/10, would wait another three months for the next one :) I have much to live up to, but I'm going to aim to get a reply out next week before my college classes start. You're really a wonderful writer, and you play Constance so well.

Aww, thank you, that truly means so much to me! :) I will try my damn hardest to not keep you waiting for another three months though lol. Sounds good, but whenever you manage to get around with a reply is fine with me! And I always enjoy reading Vim's reactions, and thoughts especially. He's such an interesting character to me :)

Well, I'm glad we both like each other's writing and characters, or this might be a very unfortunate roleplay. I'm going to say I'll definitely have it out this week just to put pressure on myself. Because once classes start things are gonna get hectic.

Yes, I most certainly agree lol. Ah, the self-applied pressure approach, works like a charm (most of the time). I understand the chaos that comes with classes starting up again though, so I wish you the best of luck there :)

Self-applied pressure, makin' diamonds out of coal. I'm not really looking forward to classes starting again. My workload's going to be pretty big, and I have lots of other stuff to stress me out as well. Everything leading up to April will not be fun.

Yeah, that is certainly a mood in itself. My school term starts shortly, on top of my bustling work schedule, but at least the holiday's are over (void the impending Valentine's Day). I'm sorry you have so many stressors though :( But as a positive side note, I absolutely adored your post!^^ It was so great -as always-, and I am super hyped to get my own post out soon, which will more than likely be done early next week :)

I hope your school term goes well, and your schedule isn't totally crammed. I think I'll be alright with my classes, just helps to complain sometimes, you know? :) Got my birthday in about two weeks, so that's something to look forward to. I'm glad you liked my post, and I certainly look forward to yours! I admit I was not having a great night, but when I saw you'd replied to this it perked me right up. And that's just the discussion, so imagine what the RP replies do.

I certainly hope so as well. I definitely get that too, and you're always free to complain or vent to me if you ever need to ;) Hey, a birthday is definitely a plus, happy early birthday! Ah, I'm glad I was able to make a not-so-great night just a little better :) I will do my best to deliver another bout of joy with my RP reply soon for you!

The first week's always pretty rough in my experience. You have to get back into the rhythm of school, and you're missing half of the stuff you need. For me, anyway, maybe you're better at college :) I'm glad too! I know your post will be good, of course. Probably extra good, given the marvelous situation we have gotten Sir Constance into. An excellent idea, I do say.

Nope, that was a pretty accurate detail of getting into the swing of schooling for me :) Oh yes, this fun little situation we've put him in is so beautiful. I'm having a blast thinking of how he'll be reacting to certain stimuli, and more... it's so much fun!