
anyone works! plus we can build relations that way too :) Salem said: Are we calling in the twins? The twins would be down to do that queen. said: for when the celebration goes down, would someone want to try to persuade maddie to go? although she'll kinda have to, i think she'd need some convincing ^^

Hey guys :> I'm going to try putting some pictures of what would be Psamathe's house in here tomorrow.

I will be doing the same here shortly. More than likely will also be planning to include it in her character sheet.

I've just finished reading all of the newer posts, and they are all absolutely lovely :) Speaking of posts, Cresil's will be up very shortly as well.


:0 Absolutely lovely Sanania said:
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I was going to say she probably loves or doesn't mind visiting the twins because their home is so similar to hers she almost doesn't feel or notice a difference aside from like architecture and layout.

I might try and throw Jabari somewhere close but i don't know yet... my head hurts at the moment. >>
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I agree :3 Very peaceful vibes, love it Sanania said: I was going to say she probably loves or doesn't mind visiting the twins because their home is so similar to hers she almost doesn't feel or notice a difference aside from like architecture and layout.
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Hydrate. Take some Excedrin. Throw an ice pack on your head. Lower the brightness of your electronics. Eat a snack.~ Edited at March 20, 2024 10:05 PM by Sanania