

Apparently I have not seen this. I was thinking of putting this fella -Click- I still need a name for him though.
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He's so cute! Have any idea what ya want the name's meaning ta be? I can help whenever I get back from my walk. ^^
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I was thinking of something with a Scandinavian origin. Anders maybe but I'm not sure how well it fits him.
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so..I foound a few that could work for one of Feather's pups, considering the father is Night. Plus Feather's brother is Raven so there's a good chance at least one pup will look very similar to Night What do you guys think??

@EastMountainClan. The first one looks really nice in my opinion. Edited at February 16, 2024 04:23 PM by Matunda


Gotta agree. That first one is very pretty.
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I'm tempted to make a sentinel that kind of has a primal looking appearance. Make her look like a sabertoothed tiger (grows saber fangs, gets cat claws, tail shrinks, or maybe even make her fully transform into a sabertooth?) with bone armor and raptor feather accessories all over. Maybe give her a skull or two here and there on her armor. Maybe her powers can be like- talking to spirits and beastial affinity. And maybe her increased ability can be healing. Maybe her personality can be serious, but actually very sweet and friendly when there's nothing to be serious about. Able to be dangerous when she wants to be, but she never wants to be. Not so friendly to the point where she's annoying. Calm and reserved, and not one to cause a scene without a good reason. What do you guys think? I think I won't be able to handle both characters if I did. I'm also tempted to make Toxi almost as big as a bear, maybe make him a few inches smaller height and length wise. Edited at February 17, 2024 07:45 AM by Matunda

I completely forgot ta respond ta this. ^^' I feel like that could fit him well, if you're thinking of making him more of a fighter type of character (seeing at the name means "warrior"). I am looking through some Old Norse names now so I can offer some suggestions if ya want me ta. ^^ Nevermore. said: I was thinking of something with a Scandinavian origin. Anders maybe but I'm not sure how well it fits him.
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