
Freedom You are right. Bantam would have a blast. He'd also have to check out a stable or something.

Hi! Sorry for the inactivity today, I'll read over everything and hopefully get a post out tomorrow

Ah, got it As of now, Jackie is a Mentor :) Sir Froggington said: Valinyx I need to do this as well for my character, but there are different branches of soldiery and Argos needs us to pick a branch our soldier is in.

Holy crow, everyone's posts are awesome so far :V Really fun to read through them, a few things made me cackle in between haha

Wow! I'm so glad that y'all've been busy on here! --- I imagined the wagon to be a farmer's open wagon without a top. I think that Colette would be very confused by the new slang and wouldn't get a good grasp on tech. She's thankful for the washing machine, driers, running water, and dishwashers. She's sort of scared of the noises that they make at first. She'd be curious about the new world, but would immediately try to get a job somewhere in the first couple of days.

Hoorah! Look at all of these totally awesome posts! Man, I wasn't worried you guys were gonna suck, but this is better material than I expected! Good job, everyone, peanuts all around!

XD Whoo! Peanuts. I'm not sure what to do for Clawdia. I guess she's going to lurk in the corner, but somehow I gotta make it move the plot along lol

Mmmm, peanuts! Well salted too! --- Hmm, well, we have quite an amount of drama and that was those were very entertaining posts everyone! Hmmm, I think that our group is so odd and there is so much going on that bypassers will stare. This includes some rebels. We could have an attack later on. Or is it too early for that? --- I also thought of another idea that we can do. In medieval times there would be some rouge knights who'd make people pay them before they passed a bridge. If they didn't pay then they'd fight (Monty Python and the Holy Grail has a humorous reenactment of this). We could introduce one of them soon.

Wyan is going to continually yell his position in life, and someone is going to have to cover his mouth so he doesn't give it away. Because if they did let him say I think some would believe him, because he has so many chickens that are probably protecting him

I have a comical idea for drawing Wyan but I don't know if I have the skills to pull it off.