
Those kinds of swords are sadly super easy to break, in the case of need, if it breaks during fight he dies The Midnight Howlers said: Oh yeah, that would be a good idea. And what if the sword had the ability to expand and shorten? I've seen that before. Appalachian Entity said: Yeah, they can be put into liquids and all sorts of stuff
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Ahh, okay. But still what about the UV detectable liquid? BJake said: Those kinds of swords are sadly super easy to break, in the case of need, if it breaks during fight he dies The Midnight Howlers said: Oh yeah, that would be a good idea. And what if the sword had the ability to expand and shorten? I've seen that before. Appalachian Entity said: Yeah, they can be put into liquids and all sorts of stuff

Thin metal or nylon string-can be used to cut into people, like neck or arm, it needs to be done fast and with force, but it can be dangerous-I saw this in movies ^^""" so I cannot confirm it to be true, thou I have experience with fishing nylon and that thing can actually cause some nasty cuts depending on situation. If you are pulling up a fish(like size of a hand) it is not dangerous for you are controling it both ways-when you are letting nylon go down, sinking with help of small metal weight(object), the force weight is putting on nylon and by extension your bare hand is quite small so even thou nylon is threading over your palm through your fingers it won't even nick you; for other way, when you are pulling small fish up you once again have nylon in your bare hands, but fish cannot exert significant enough force to pull nylon so fast it harms you. This nylon thing is dangerous when you are hunting big strong fish, at least half of meter long that travels fast, they are hunted with a rod attached on back of the boat and while you don't need to touch nylon some people try out of habit whisch is a bad idea cause that nylon moves fast and with force of fish and maybe moving boat so yeah, nylon knowledge XD On topic of fish-a net of any kind maybe? Like it might be clunky, but in some situations it might help catch a person. Plus t can have hooks or some adds ons that make it painful or harder to get off-like nets made of thin rope are confsing to get out of, the bigger the net the trickier, plus some materials are harder to cut with knife. Depending on what he does, if he maybe sabotages some stuff that has something to do with wires or electronics-a pair of pliers for cutting wire might come in handy.

Or a really strong ligh source attache to the costume to blind close range opponet for a second if he needs to flee-thou it would give away his location in the dark.

LOVE This Idea! Written The Wolf said: Thin metal or nylon string-can be used to cut into people, like neck or arm, it needs to be done fast and with force, but it can be dangerous-I saw this in movies ^^""" so I cannot confirm it to be true, thou I have experience with fishing nylon and that thing can actually cause some nasty cuts depending on situation. If you are pulling up a fish(like size of a hand) it is not dangerous for you are controling it both ways-when you are letting nylon go down, sinking with help of small metal weight(object), the force weight is putting on nylon and by extension your bare hand is quite small so even thou nylon is threading over your palm through your fingers it won't even nick you; for other way, when you are pulling small fish up you once again have nylon in your bare hands, but fish cannot exert significant enough force to pull nylon so fast it harms you. This nylon thing is dangerous when you are hunting big strong fish, at least half of meter long that travels fast, they are hunted with a rod attached on back of the boat and while you don't need to touch nylon some people try out of habit whisch is a bad idea cause that nylon moves fast and with force of fish and maybe moving boat so yeah, nylon knowledge XD On topic of fish-a net of any kind maybe? Like it might be clunky, but in some situations it might help catch a person. Plus t can have hooks or some adds ons that make it painful or harder to get off-like nets made of thin rope are confsing to get out of, the bigger the net the trickier, plus some materials are harder to cut with knife. Depending on what he does, if he maybe sabotages some stuff that has something to do with wires or electronics-a pair of pliers for cutting wire might come in handy.
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