
Pack Name & Number: Fairy Tale Wolves - 799 Faction/future faction change: Lightbringer forever and always When you joined WP: 2014 What is your explore experience? How long have you been exploring? If you have methods you would rather not discuss in forums, feel free to PM me: Long time explorer, former BE trainer for hire, (partially) current training BE wolves for auction (still figuring out costs/time for auctions). Been exploring since the beginning but rarely increase levels because of BE training. Level is 250 Current BE training/explore methods (also free to PM): Currently figuring it out again. So many tests/charts Do you intend on participating competitively (20k+ HT score) in the FMC?: Yes, Trying so hard What do you intend on doing with your wolf/wolves?: Add them to a new explore team I'm working on How many explore wolves do you currently have?: 12 Fully Done, 1 in training and 2 pups starting CP Training. +1 I might auction eventually General goals on WP: Preferences on wolves from my pack (list up to five in descending order of most wanted to least): Clarke, Finem II, Assassin, Sunfyre Minimum requirements for a wolf: DH, Heavyweight, and Hero Preferable Budget (if you would only like a free wolf, put Free): Free preferred, but up to 20k Optional - What is your least known WP fact/knowledge?: Why others are so lucky with getting boosts Comments: Sad to see you go!

Pack Name & Number: honey 280883 Faction/future faction change: darkseeker When you joined WP: originally in 2014, made this account in 2021 What is your explore experience? How long have you been exploring? If you have methods you would rather not discuss in forums, feel free to PM me: i explore as often as i can for a basic account! i just recently got super into exploring and have been having so much fun getting my team to DG Current BE training/explore methods (also free to PM): i generally start with low levels (around forest 5) and move up as my wolves level Do you intend on participating competitively (20k+ HT score) in the FMC?: depends on the month; i am about to start veterinary school full-time so i likely won't be as active in the FMC for several months What do you intend on doing with your wolf/wolves?: exploring and breeding if they have boosts/defects/good talents/decent vitals/ etc How many explore wolves do you currently have?: 6 General goals on WP: getting my whole explore team to DG lol Preferences on wolves from my pack (list up to five in descending order of most wanted to least): 1. lexa II 2. seasmoke 3. blood nugget 4. bear 5. clarke Minimum requirements for a wolf: 25+R, CL, less than G5 Budget (if you would only like a free wolf, put Free): free would be lovely, but i can pay up to an apple if needed Optional - What is your least known WP fact/knowledge?: my first account was made when eve still had her 'about me' section in her bio and forum lol Comments: thank you for the opportunity!!

Pack Name & Number: Malcuth #315428 Faction/future faction change: darkseeker When you joined WP: October 6 2015, I'm a returning player on a new account. What is your explore experience? How long have you been exploring? If you have methods you would rather not discuss in forums, feel free to PM me: I did not do the most exploring in the past and I only trained a few wolves, but I decided to build an explore team and I've been having a lot of fun with it. ^^ Current BE training/explore methods (also free to PM): I have the wolf in training fight the entire time, while my two starters are her backup. Basically if there is a hard animal like werewolves or bobcats I will take them off of a defense/pursue move back to offense. I honestly have no idea if that is a good way to do things but it's been working for me so far. Do you intend on participating competitively (20k+ HT score) in the FMC?: possibly in the future! What do you intend on doing with your wolf/wolves?: Use then to explore and breed depending on if they are heavy weight with his vitals, to breed good pups. How many explore wolves do you currently have?: technically 3, but I don't intend on fully training my starter wolves they are light weight with eh vitals. I am using them to help train Gila. General goals on WP: I love to make art, so currently I am making art in order to raise funds to customize wolves and make an explore team as well as breed wolves that I can train too. After that I own on raising my dominance and I'd like to join an alliance that is dominance and battle oriented. Preferences on wolves from my pack (list up to five in descending order of most wanted to least): I am honestly happy with any wolf ^^ Minimum requirements for a wolf: Id love heavy weight wolves! Budget (if you would only like a free wolf, put Free): I can go up to 4-5 apples if need be Optional - What is your least known WP fact/knowledge?: I don't know very much about the new defects and boosts. Its been a wild time learning about all the new updates since I was gone. Comments: It's really nice of you to rehome these to packs!

Application Form <3 Pack Name & Number: Wolf Dancer-285666 Faction/future faction change: Neutral When you joined WP: Jan 30, 2022 What is your explore experience? How long have you been exploring? If you have methods you would rather not discuss in forums, feel free to PM me: I used to be a more active explorer, had a team with multiple DG, but then RL happened, got really hurt, had to go to PT, school, work ETC, and my wolves eventually all died, I also had around 1k dom as well but those wolves recently died off :( Current BE training/explore methods (also free to PM): Kill anything I can, and try to get as many mush as possible, then use those mush to buy explore moves and explore more xD Do you intend on participating competitively (20k+ HT score) in the FMC?: Yes, but maybe not that high since school just started <3 What do you intend on doing with your wolf/wolves?: Exploreing for mush, and raising more explore wolves! How many explore wolves do you currently have?: 0 as of now >> General goals on WP: Breed for Defects/boosts with color, have a full DG team, and just to be active again <3 Preferences on wolves from my pack (list up to five in descending order of most wanted to least): Lexa II Finem II Mockingbird Assasin Seasmoke Minimum requirements for a wolf: DG, and preferably on a LB Budget (if you would only like a free wolf, put Free): Free, and I have 192 moon flowers, a dragon scale, green fern <3 Optional - What is your least known WP fact/knowledge?: Comments: I would love at least Lexa II, she is what I have my dream wolf based on mostly <3 she's on a LB, and is DG! I would love to have her and would trade a arm and leg for her, and any of the other wolves I listed, I need help getting actice again, and a new shiny explore team is a step in the right direction!

Pack Name & Egg Number: Insane Sanity #312622 Faction/future faction eggchange: Neutral When you joined WP: laid my egg here April 21, 2024 (almost 4months here, returning player) What is your eggplore eggperience? How long have you been eggploring? If you have methods you would rather not discuss in forums, feel free to PM me: I have several eggplore teams and I just rotate them as they get injured. I've been working on pack happiness so they self-heal and I usually don't need to buy health potions or blue jay feathers, though I do keep a few feathers stocked just in case I'm eggploring faster than they heal. I tend to eggplore for at least an hour every day, sometimes more. On my off days, I may spend like 4hrs just grinding levels as I get back into the game. Current BE training/eggplore methods (also free to PM): I was grinding on the lower levels but now that bug is fixed so I'm figuring out a new BE training strategy. Since I have the space, I've been training about three different teams, rotating them as they get injured and then healing with a blue jay feather when they're all low on health. It's a lot slower but I'm still ironing out the kinks and experimenting with how I go about BE training. I am making a lot more mush on the higher levels though, so I'm able to work on CP as I BE train and I am mostly satisfied with the results thus far. Do you intend on participating competitively (20k+ HT score) in the FMC?: I have not hit 20k+ in the FMC yet, but the last few FMC's I had to work so I wasn't able to grind as much I would have liked. I think I did 13k+ in the last FMC which was my highest score so far (and a large improvement from the FMC before that where I scored under 10k). I would definitely like to become a higher leader in the FMC, so I'm working on building more teams so that I can just rinse and repeat teams as opposed to using feathers to heal my team to keep going (I'd like to have enough wolves that the first team is self-healed by the time I use the last team). Would really like to get good enough to win that 1st place golden egg. What do you intend on doing with your wolf/wolves?: Eggplore, breed, dominate. I want to become a top pack with the highest dominance, a contest leader in the FMC, and a regular top pack in eggplore. How many eggplore wolves do you currently have?: In my folders, 28, but I have a few not sorted outside my folders...so probably 40ish total? Plus some that need CP before I take them out. General goals on WP: Mostly, top eggplore/battle pack. I wouldn't mind being a known boost/defect breeder and customizer too though. Preferences on wolves from my pack (list up to five in descending order of most wanted to least): -updated with 5 more since it was upped to 10 eggs (almost a dozen :O) Sisu (a perfect egg, has eggerything I'm looking for in a battle egg) Lexa II (disposition isn't obedient, but I have an item from the last eggent that I could use to bring it up, eggerything else about her is perfegg!) Adri (not sure about her disposition but eggerything else looks amegging) Finem II (another great eggplore wolf) Mockingbird (also has eggery egg I'm looking for) Skata (a pretty girl with eggerything I need <3) Terra (not sure about disposition but eggerything else looks good) Axanthic (eggcellent affinity, hero, and hw, what's not to love about this little egg <3) Seer (would be tempted to use her as a pursue wolf in eggplore :p definitely make sure to breed her to good males, I feel like she could be a good egg layer of what I'm looking for) Espionage (pretty girl, would make a good battle wolf after I work on her CP a bit) Minimum requirements for a wolf: Middle egg or heavy egg (hw preferred) Hero (all positive or mostly all positive vitals) Boost (any boost though battle boosts are preferred) Obedient or Agreeable disposition (obedient preferred) Budget (if you would only like a free wolf, put Free): While I would love a free wolf, I want you to have mush or apples to come back to and buy new eggplore wolves when you get back from school. So I'm going to say a budget of maybe a dozen apples (in the spirit of eggs), 2-3 apples per wolf. Optional - What is your least known WP fact/knowledge?: I haven't met a lot of people who know that the custom move you get with premium has a higher offensive than death grip, I am actually thinking of naming a custom move "Egg Toss" and making it read as something like "Adri tosses and egg at Squirrel 1 and kills it." xD Comments: If I get a free wolf, I would be happy to give you a free explore wolf whenever you come back from school. Seems fair since you're doing this ^^ I hope I didn't overdo it with all the eggs. ^^' Sometimes I try to be funny but I can be more awkward instead. Edited at September 2, 2024 10:09 AM by Insane Sanity
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Pack Name & Number: Boeing, #312640
Faction/future faction change: Neutral
When you joined WP: 4 months ago.
What is your explore experience? How long have you been exploring? If you have methods you would rather not discuss in forums, feel free to PM me: I mainly casually explore maybe 4 times a day. I usually do it just as and when I can, without a main Explore schedule. I Explore when I can and when I have time, but I do not follow a rigid schedule. But when I can, and when I have time, I do Explore as much as my poor 50 steps and hour allows me to. >.> (That 3 day upgrade earlier this month was the best thing that has happened to me.)
Current BE training/explore methods (also free to PM): If I was to be BE training, I would take 5 of my DG wolves, set them to Pursue, and let my trainee kill them. Right now, in terms of BE gain, my entire Explore team just attacks and kills everything. Probably because none of them actually need to BE... I honestly should bring one non-maxed BE wolf along but it's just a lot more efficient to get maxed BE wolves, especially because I'm beginning to tackle Jungle 25+
Do you intend on participating competitively (20k+ HT score) in the FMC?: Not exactly. I try to Explore slightly more but I get maybe 10k tops. I focus more on getting top howling/wrestling, but I do try get a decent HT score nonetheless. Although I do fail a bit at that :/
What do you intend on doing with your wolf/wolves?: Exploring... but also PvP! I PvP when I can and that's probably the reason why my wolves keep getting damaged so much lol
How many explore wolves do you currently have?: A few. 6 DG wolves (4 of which are DH) 5 400+BE wolves (1 of which is DH) 3 maxed battle, agility and resolve wolves I use purely for Sun Bears etc. <br> General goals on WP: Get more den expansions lol. That's my main one, and one I keep failing in
Preferences on wolves from my pack (list up to five in descending order of most wanted to least): I only have 3 I am interested in. All the other damned eggs do not fit my criteria. Welp. 1) Sunfyre - Pretty much just what I'm looking for. 2) 🔅Cygnus🔅² - The LW is a bit of a downside, but it's still passable. 3) Frisk - Some downsides (including no BE) but I'd take it nonetheless. Minimum requirements for a wolf: I mainly focus on the wolves having Excellent or Good Affinity. Nothing mush past that, alotugh I do have preferences. However my main goal is Good or Excellent affinity, and these are the only three that fit my main criteria. But hey, I can't complain. :) Once they fit the Good/Excellent criteria then it's the regular, in this order; 1) BE 2) Boost 3) CP amount 4) Weight But I will not accept a wolf that is below Good affinity, unless it's a really good wolf.
Budget (if you would only like a free wolf, put Free): 400-1000 mushrooms each.
Comments: I am alright if I do not get any wolves. I am applying simply because why not :D I acknowledge the possibility I may not get any wolves, period. I am simply applying in the possibility I may. Edited at August 19, 2024 11:09 PM by Boeing
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Pack Name & Number: Schei, 268305. Faction/future faction change: Darkseeker. When you joined WP: 2018, with an old pack. What is your explore experience? How long have you been exploring? I've been exploring since I joined in 2018, it's my main hobby on wolfplay. Current BE training/explore methods: I usually take one wolf out at a time on lower forrest levels, a bunch of health potions and chinese pottery. Do you intend on participating competitively (20k+ HT score) in the FMC?: Not the next FMC, but possibly soon. What do you intend on doing with your wolf/wolves?: Use them to help restart my pack and giving them a loving home. How many explore wolves do you currently have?: I just got six new shiny explore wolves. General goals on WP: Currently, I'd just like to successfully restart my pack. But when I do, my old goals are: Create some more customs, get back into the breeding business, reach territory level 500, get strong explore wolves. Preferences on wolves from my pack: Finem II (she's so pretty), Sisu, Adri, Cuspid, Mockingbird, Terra, Selena, Skata (she's so adorable!) Minimum requirements for a wolf: I'd love a DH or ready to explore wolf, no BE is neccasary, I also love beautiful greyscale wolves. Budget (if you would only like a free wolf, put Free): A couple of apples or up to 5000 mush. Comments: Have a good rest of the year, and thank you for doing this! You have some gorgeous wolves. Edited at September 2, 2024 02:13 AM by Schei

Pack Name & Number: Purgatory #304927 Faction/future faction change: Darkseeker When you joined WP: Originally 2015, Returned 2023 What is your explore experience? How long have you been exploring?: Overall I think it's at level 62 right now with the new pack? I was always a huge explorer XD Current BE training/explore methods (also free to PM): Spam explore with group of trainees, have one high atk and one pursuer for emergencies. Do you intend on participating competitively (20k+ HT score) in the FMC?: Yes😈 What do you intend on doing with your wolf/wolves?: LF secondary explore team for events and a low gen alpha female to stack dom onto. How many explore wolves do you currently have?: Only use 4, rest are BE Training for friends or sales General goals on WP: Breed a g2 pelt defect/boost and have it become a successful stud :D Also design as many items for game as possible Preferences on wolves from my pack (list up to five in descending order of most wanted to least): Pesky, Kestrel, Adri Minimum requirements for a wolf: G1-3, Boost or Defect Budget (if you would only like a free wolf, put Free): Depends on wolf, will do mush 🍄 or appaul 🍎, would appreciate donation wolf and give free breedings to stud if preferred Edited at August 21, 2024 12:38 AM by Purgatory
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Pack Name & Number: DasGurkenglas 278747 Faction/future faction change: Neutral When you joined WP: Jul 24, 2021 What is your explore experience? How long have you been exploring? If you have methods you would rather not discuss in forums, feel free to PM me: Since I joined. I won my first hunting tournament in October 2022 and 4 in total. My highest score was 56k. Total territory is 1142. Current BE training/explore methods (also free to PM): PM Do you intend on participating competitively (20k+ HT score) in the FMC?: Yes, though i don't always have enough free time. What do you intend on doing with your wolf/wolves?: Because a lot has changed since many of the popular explore guides were written, I want to test all the different territories. How many explore wolves do you currently have?: 4 + 5 in training, though their all pretty old. General goals on WP: Get 100k hunting score, become a mushroom millionair. Preferences on wolves from my pack (list up to five in descending order of most wanted to least): Finem II 🔥, Mockingbird 🔥, Clarke ❀, Seasmoke 🔥, Karen Minimum requirements for a wolf: DH Budget (if you would only like a free wolf, put Free): 10k per wolf Edited at August 22, 2024 12:52 AM by DasGurkenglas

Pack Name & Number: Mintytaex | 289933 Faction/future faction change: Darkseeker When you joined WP: June 6, 2022 What is your explore experience? How long have you been exploring? If you have methods you would rather not discuss in forums, feel free to PM me: I'm at map 7 right now I only started taking exploring seriously a couple days ago, I just came back after a hiatus. Current BE training/explore methods (also free to PM): just exploring regularly, I bought Premium so I'm able to explore every 30 min. Sometimes I get busy because I have a job so if I don't have time to explore I get my wolves trained by someone else to keep the younger wolves up with the older ones. Do you intend on participating competitively (20k+ HT score) in the FMC?: in the future, not currently. What do you intend on doing with your wolf/wolves?: I intend to breed them, turn alot of them into customs and start studding them out I also want to grow a long lineage of them and make them all battle wolves. How many explore wolves do you currently have?: two. General goals on WP: I want to make more friends on here, I don't talk much to people in person or online so it's a bit awkward. I also really want to have over 10 customs because I've been making too many designs... and thats about it right now. Preferences on wolves from my pack (list up to five in descending order of most wanted to least): Espionage Adri Clarke Adlet Taiga Minimum requirements for a wolf: high talents and pretty. Budget (if you would only like a free wolf, put Free): 10 apples and 1k mush. Optional - What is your least known WP fact/knowledge?: n/a Comments: Edited at August 24, 2024 10:53 PM by mintytaex